6 year old tank needs LOTS of tlc..how would you approach?

With phosphate that high, you will burn through lots of expensive media if you try to lower it that way.

I would look into lanthanum chloride.
With phosphate that high, you will burn through lots of expensive media if you try to lower it that way.

I would look into lanthanum chloride.

Thats good advice, if you do that, as usual, do it slow.
You can use the media once down to say .25 ish...
And keep that skimmer running, LC binds up in the water, be removed.

I have used Agent Green in the past with no ill effects.
I'll have to read up on lanthanum chloride as I know nothing about it but I'll definitely research it..
Thanks for the tip!

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I'll have to read up on lanthanum chloride as I know nothing about it but I'll definitely research it..
Thanks for the tip!

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Would make the descend in phosphate cheaper.
Lanthanum Chloride works great outside the display tank. It is said to irritate some fish and I know it can make a haze on the glass if not carefully dosed. I tried it when I first set-up my tank. I knew I wanted to treat the dry rock but I didn't want to do it in a vat. So I did it in the tank. Bad move. I ended up taking the rock out & treating it in a vat and had to scrub the haze from the glass. It did not come off easily!
Oh that's not good!
I found the thread in upstate reef society started by Gary and began reading it. I did see a little bit about what I can do to Glass but haven't made it through the whole thread yet.
I have a coast to coast overflow with the bean animal drain setup with the skimmer in the first baffle, i wonder if I slowly dose into the coast to coast overflow with a sock on the drain in the basement I would be ok?

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New pump for the skimmer ordered (current ones pin wheel is dying so it's just time for a new one..), seaklear and 10 micron filter socks all on the way!
Let's get this tank back in order!
Who knows how much my rock soaked in po4...I know it took a long time to get it all out from previous owner (bought the setup used along with rock) so it's back to day 1 again..

Thanks all so much for the help so far!

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Picture of shame...[emoji17][emoji17]
So that when I look at this thread in a year I know own where I was at this point, right!?

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Picture of shame...[emoji17][emoji17]
So that when I look at this thread in a year I know own where I was at this point, right!?

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Not so bad... Stay focus and positive I've seen worst! :-)
After cleaning some rocks can you place some in the sump? That would leave you more space to work inside the tank while maintaining the bacteria population.
I have a lot of dead colonies with anemones on them. I'm waiting for them to relocate then I was doing that exact thing...
My poor rainbow anemone split like crazy during my neglect

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Oh my gosh... your tank of shame (wink) is going to shine up beautifully!!! It just has it's own ecosystem working right now!! I've been there.
Once I was letting my 300 ride on it's own for about 6 months (easier with softies), it had cyano and algae on rocks and growing on my poor corals. My rose bta's were still gorgeous (thank heavens)and my husband informs me he met a neighbor down the street that owns a big aquarium manufacturing company and invited him and his wife over for dinner that weekend to visit and see my reef tank. !!!!!!! $&#^$@&!!!!
You can imagine my panic and shame. Ha!!! You are not alone. I actually had him postpone for 2 weeks and worked my rear end off on that tank. So vain.
I can't wait to see it move on up and out of the algae nightmare!
--- Lisa
Thanks for the encouragement lisa!
I can't lie...I have had a clown tang in this system for a few years (I know, I know!)..I bought him a few years ago not knowing what I was getting into..well today he was traded in for a peculiar clown and a melenarus wrasse, I also picked up a cleaner shrimp,20 snails and 20 crabs to help with the cleaning..
I'm hoping the wrasse doesn't make lunch out of them!

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Oh and get another shrimp. They'll set up a station, clean, make babies and be fun for the kiddos to watch.
It doesn’t looks too bed. Some water changes over a few weeks and it should start getting back into good shape. Your tang a few snails and hermits will take care of the algae
First does on lanthanum chloride last night..

Po4 now at .75

I'm sure my rock will Leach po4 for quite some time so this may be a weekly thing..