600 gal display/900+ gal build thread in the Chicago 'burbs.

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Work has continued. I had the 3 t5 fixtures come in for the frag, fuge, and hospital tanks. The fuge one is up I'm still working on the others.

I also had a large box come in with all the medications and dips I always wish I had had last time I did this. I broke down and bought them all so I'll never be left flat footed in an emergency :)
Oh another thing. Since I've installed the ac3 pro I've been watching my ORP gradually rise every day. Its now at a level which, quite frankly, I believe might be bullshit. Supposedly its at 453 today. Granted there isn't much in the tank and granted that monster skimmer has been pumping tons of air into the water and I have microbubble issues which means even more oxygen, but 453? Does that make any sense?
Alan: Read http://www.reefland.com/forum/marin...-treatment/19255-fish-quarantine-process.html

And this for the medications: http://www.reefland.com/forum/marin...93-stocking-marine-fish-medicine-cabinet.html

The only thing I do differently is I treat EVERYTHING for ich as long as it can survive the copper.

For Coral (not mentioned above, thats only fish) I use Seachems coral dip (any Iodine dip will do). After that they get a bath in Fluke tabs. Then they are watched for a few weeks to make sure there are no red bugs, ect. If there are you need to do interceptor. I would do interceptor all the time except the stuff is impossible to get if you don't have a dog (Why is pet medication prescription?!? Its a racket) and its expensive.
I'm still running only 1 pendant over the tank because the glass still hasn't come in for the second pendant. It'll probably come in while I'm gone this week :P

The Frag, Fuge, and quarantine tanks all have t5 fixtures over them now.

I walked past the tank tonight and I saw dozens of dime size red/orange algal rings on the sand under the one working fixture so at least the Agal cycle has begun. I'm going to need to get some cleanup crew week after next when I get back. I imagine it'll be an algae fest by then :)
Interceptor is also impossible to get when you have multiple dogs too! I agree with you, hord what you've got for as long as you can, and choose carefully when you want to use it.
I work at a vet clinic and we dispense Interceptor to hobbyists for use in their reef tanks - no dog required. As long as they've done their research and can tell us what size they need and how much they are going to use- prove to us that they know what they're doing :-) we will dispense it. It is expensive though - $48 a six pack. The reason it is a prescription product for dogs is they can very rarely have a severe reaction if it is given to a microfilaria positive dog, so we have to have a negative heartworm check and/or proof the dog is up to date on taking the product. Plus it won't get rid of existing heartworms, so you need to make sure periodically that it is working and the dog doesn't have a problem brewing. I'm a newbie on marine tanks but know my stuff on dogs (lol)

They do not prescribe it as an off-label use here. We used to have a vet that would, however nobody will anymore, even with research, photos, and samples. They won't even discuss it with you if don't have a dog to start with even though both are mutually exclusive events.
That sucks! You would think Foster & Smith would sell it to fish people since they carry it and have the whole fish and Live Aquaria thing going. Guess they are worried you'd secretly be slipping it to the dogs. ??
I forgot to mention, but holy crap your lights are bright! Man, think I might have to put some shades on next time you post some pics of the DT :bum:
Thanks on the lights :)

Interceptor ****es me off to no end. When I was a kid I had 3 Labs. Back then you could walk into any pet store and buy heartworm pills. Plus they were cheap as hell.

Now its 50bux and you CANT get them. Its got to be a racket for the drug manufacturers. I mean its a freak'n dog. Why are there any prescriptions to begin with? Its a pet... its not human. Mkaes no sense to me.

I called a few vets locally and none of them will prescribe to me unless I have a dog. When I tell them its for red bugs they ask me to bring the bug in. ***. When I explain its for a coral I've been told corals are not pets and they can't help me.
Its $82 a box here...

I know your pain very well. I had a 1" binder of materials that I brought with me to over 15 vets here in town trying to procure the product. The best I could get was that I would have to completely infect my tank with red bugs, because using Interceptor as a preventative is illogical (per the vet...), and the in-home visit would cost me $600CDN, with no promise of a prescription. The standard excuse was that it was an off-label use and that they didn't want to loose their license. I've offered to sign legal forms, even to pay to have them drawn up. No luck here though, and its really unfortunate.
Just ran the big 3 tests and I'm looking at

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate ~5-6

So my cycle is further along than I thought. There is so much water I think its really making the cycle pretty much a non-event :)
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