600 gallon Display/ 900 gallon system

I received about $500 worth of BRS additives and doser pumps today, so hopefully I can get my Two part going soon... Im looking forward to stability when it comes to my water chemistry. Hopefully my corals will appreciate the effort and improve both growth and color. Pics will be posted once its completed... Im selling my QT tank setup to make room for my Dosing Equip...
Ohh and Im going to attempt battling the Pocillapora soon...its getting WAY out of hand. When this stuff spawns it makes a hell of a mess..
How does your wife handle all this investment in time and money?

My wife would really like a tank of this magnitude but would put her foot down at the financial burden.

I imagine you've easily got $25,000 into that if not more.
How does your wife handle all this investment in time and money?

My wife would really like a tank of this magnitude but would put her foot down at the financial burden.

I imagine you've easily got $25,000 into that if not more.

She handles it a day at a time....not always easy.
Amazing tank!!Thanks for sharing; I really enjoyed watching the wavebox video.

man, those movies are great. i feel you on the pocillopora but i gotta say, it does give it a very natural look..

Thanks Guys, I agree on the pocillapora, but it effects the growth of my other expensive corals...so I hate it.

Very nice. You would not happen to have a floor plan drawn out of the whole system including your frag tanks ect...

Again, very nice Sir!!!

Nope sure dont...Sorry I can try and make something soon and will post it..
ohh and I changed my frag tank into a refugium a couple months ago...

Very nice hope mine turns out this nice

Just Beautiful.

nice and clean setup:D

Thanks Guys..
just curious, what substrate did you use? It looks larger than what I cam using and that is something I am after. Mine is too fine. Beautiful tank by the way!