600 gallon reef- finished stand and canopy...


Premium Member
Here are some pics and a few questions...

The canopy weighs 250 lbs and is sitting on the tank on 8 Easy sliders (plastic tabs- 2 inch diameter). Is this too much weight for the acrylic? Should i attach it to the ceiling? Here are the pics....


GMFett :bum:



he sometimes likes to have a little snack but spreads out the abuse and it isnt often enough to really cause much harm...
Good question on the canopy's weight being supported by the tank. My gut feeling is you'd probably be fine but hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge on the subject will chime in.

Awesome tank by the way! Stunning!
HOLY COWS!! what a beauty!!!

i don't think i'd want the canopy resting on the top of the tank but that is me. how think is hte wood taht it is 250lbs??

what are the tank dimensions? can we have some equipment pics

The tank is 96x48x30. The wood is 3 sheets of 3/4" birch.

I'll take some of the tunze control station and aquacontroller. also- the ap 1003 gets here on friday! stay tuned for more pics...

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Vlamingi Tang
Regal Tang
Orange Spot Rabbit
Fox Face Rabbit
Scribble Rabit
Flame Angel
Pencil Wrasse
Ornate Wrasse
Copper Banded Butterfly
2 Ocelaris Clowns
Percula Clown
Marine Beta
5 Chromis
3 Firefish
3 Purple Firefish
Mandarin Goby
Twin Spot Goby
Citron Goby

Once i get the 1003- i want to add a school of anthias, more tangs, and some other neat fish... I'll keep you guys posted!