I have a tendency to upset someone almost every time I give input (even when I don't mean to) so please, PLEASE, don't get mad at me this time. I really don't want to offend.
However, we, as aquarists, should not become enraged when our (or others') work, craftsmanship, methods, etc. are criticized. I am an aquarium professional myself and am always trying to find a better way of doing something. I learn more from one posted criticism than a dozen posts saying, "Oh, what a big tank!."
Some of the plumbing jobs I've done are simply horrible because I didn't know what I was doing at the time. When someone points out my mistakes, I don't get angry, I simply use that critique to better myself.
BTW - I'm good friends with the original installers of this project.
Hope no one is ticked off by this post. Again, I do not mean to offend.