6000 placement


New member
I recently purchased a 6000 for my 120 ( 48x24x24 ) . It is mounted all the way at the top of the tank on one of the corner overflows and pointed towards the front center of the tank. I have 1" of sugar fine sand on the bottom and my stream keeps blowing the sand in the front center into a sand dune. Any suggestions on how to prevent this other than just backing off the flow?
i'm having the same problem. cept i have tow 6100's. these things are nuts. i had to dial them way back to keep the sandstorm to a minumum.

can anybody help out on this? i have mine placed about five inches below the water line at either end of the tank, blowing towards the rocks in the back.
Try a longer flow distance- corner to corner. When your sned bed is sufficiently mature the problem will be reduced, until then you must keep it clean.
Jeez, watcch out for sned storms :lol: I meant sand! It is also OK to turn them down but after a few months the compaction and biofilm prevent most of this.
Jeez, watch out for sned storms :lol: I meant sand, laptop keyboards are just too small! It is also OK to turn them down but after a few months the compaction and biofilm prevent most of this.
Settle down Beavis! Love that Avatar.

My tank is over a year old at this point. I have a 3-4 inch "sned" bed in there now :) It's FL keys live sand.

I have the usual aquascaping wiht the rocks piled up in the back. I have tried numerous different angles and placement and I can't seem to find a spot that doesn't kick up a bunch of stuff.

Right now, I have one on each end of the tank, pointing towards the back middle of the tank. I have tried pointing them directly at each other but that seems to be worse. I have even tried placing them in the back corners and angling them towards the middle of the front and that was horrible.

What do you recommend here? They are about 6" below the water surface. Is there an optimum depth. I'd like to get these things placed where I can get some flow but not stir the tank up.

Sorry to hijack mfrost's thread, but we're having the same issues.
Just got home. Tried turning them all the way down and I'm still getting sand blowing all over the place.

This isn't exactly the effect I was going for here.
deputydog95- what size tank? I would usually run just one at a time. Since you don't have a controller yet you could use timers or just use one for the time being. If you use timers set a 1hr interval. The controller will likely solve this problem but you want to pumps so the direction changes, I generally wouldn't run both at the same time. Go from a back corner to opposite front corner.
it's a 180 ,so it's 72" long.

that's what i ended up doing last night. i shut one down and have the other pointing across the front pane of the glass.

two is just way too much in there at the same time. i'm still getting some turbulence, but not nearly as bad. i'll try the corner to corner thing.

let's get crackin' on those 7095's! hurry up and get them over to champion. mine's on back order there. better yet, just drop ship it to me :)
Mr Michielle (head of electronics) said today they will be ready on the 17th. I would expect to recieve some on the 24th. It was actually 37 holes that are required to make one. We nick named it "the Christmas tree" it has more blinking lights than one that is for sure.
I finally got a chance to play with my stream. Going corner to corner did not change anything, except my new sand pile was in the corner now instead of the front middle :) I ended up turning the flow all the way down and I no longer have the problem. I plan to slowly start trurning the flow back up daily to find the sweet spot just before the sand starts to fly agaian.