6000 Stream has arrived


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RC Sponsor
The first shipment of 6000 and 6010 Streams in US voltage arrived today. They should begin arriving to customers late next week. Unfortunately no multicontrollers are available. The 6010 is a single controller and 6000 as a kit.
Who is going to be the first suppliers of the units ? When will the Multicontroller be made available? Do the 6000's work without the controller until one is purchased ?


They will work without the controller- I have been told that the Multicontrollers will be here in a few weeks. Unless you had a preorder I would not think it too likely you will get a 6000 or 6010. I only recieved 20 units and these were split three ways amongst the mail order vendors all should recieve pump within a couple days of each other. I will send more out next week as 20 more are due to arrive. These will go mainly to independents and a small alotment to each mail order house.
It is possible to turn the flow down to suit your needs. I have had good success in a 58, however their was a 2mm grain size sand and acroporas were the primary focus. I will generally recommend 75gallons and up but if you don't have sugar sand, have somewhat of an adventurous spirit and are focused on SPS anything bigger than 30" by 18" could work.
Hi Roger:

A pair of 6000s is probably the next gadget(s) along with a multicontroller that I'm going to be adding to my 90g reef, probably in the next few months.

The tank is 4 ft long.

I currently have one Reeftec unit in it pointing from the left front to the right.

The tank is a non-RR, open top with a standard brace. I'm not clear as to what the mounting options are for Tunze pumps.

Is it possible to mount it in the middle to rear of the left pane pointed towards the front glass?

Finally, a question to satisfy my curiosity --- Why the odd prices? Conversion? :)

The pricing is issued by Tunze, they print a catalogue in euros and convert it for all the other currencies of the world. He starts with a retail price and works backwards off of that. Typically everything is done direct to the shops with the exception of the US, France and South Africa. In these three countries their are distributor because distance, language and custom barriers as well as legal difficulties make it to difficult otherwise. Basically if something were to brake in one of these countries someone needs to be their to fix it. As for France they are very strict and one wrong spelled word or non french word on a document will result in customs declining the product. Axel once told me France is more foreign than America even though they are neighbors.

Is your tank glass I take it? If you don't have any braces to accomodate you only need set 3000.244 which is longer screws to accomodate the thick plastic trim.
I really will not recommend it, model 7210/2 electronic pump would serve you much better.
I just got a 90g acrylic tank that only has two areas for lighting cut out of the acrylic top brace. I can send a pic if that doesn't make sense but it is just basically the standard acrylic tank design. I would like to get one of the 6000's once they become more widely available (6 months-1 year). What modifications to the top of the tank should I make now so that I can install the pump later. I was thinking that I could drill a hole the size of your top mounting system (Holder Device Extension) and mount it that way. Do you have any suggestions about what size hole to drill and how far from the edge of the tank.


Here is a pic of my tank top if it helps.

It should be right at the edge, and you would want a square notch, a 1" square would be perfect. I honestly hope we are only about 3-4 months away from a better supply on the Stream pumps.
Actually, the bulkhead is perfect, drop a pipe from it and zip tie the mounting rail to the pipe.
Thanks, the bulkhead idea is great. What size bulkhead would you suggest?

BTW I don't plan on having SPS in my tank for 8 mon- 1 year so I don't mind the wait.


after months i'm still stucking deciding on the 7410/2 kit or the new smaller streams, 6000 kit, on my 3 by 3 sps cube. Are they the same dimesions? I want something that isnt really noticable in my tank. I was hoping to mount either one in the corner w/ my oveflow flush. I also have one 3/4 sea swirl being fed by a mak4 pump. I'm just afraid that the stream might be a big piece of equipment to stick in my tank... thanks
by the way, i forgot to ask whether the 7410 ph has a swivel head?? like the mj 1200 you can move the outlet??