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starpolyp said:A tank this size made from glass would be incredible. I was under the impression this would be an acrylic aquarium. I missed the Starphire comment in the original post.
I have never seen a glass tank made 48" front to back that was open topped though, it would be awesome if they do. In fact, most of the glass tanks I have seen even close to 96x48x30 had multiple layers of Top glass with silicone between the layers. those tanks had small access holes in the top, like 24"x 20" big. And the layers of glass w/ silicone on the tops made for poor penetration by lighting systems. Just something to look into Shawn. Maybe the tank you are planning on having built will have some sort of molded fiberglass frame and supports which may make it possible for larger openings on the top. Also find out what the shipping weight would be on that tank, in may be very very heavy if its 3/4" glass.
do they make eurotops on a 96"x48"x 30" glass tank?
With me going with 30" I had to go with the 3/4 Diamante (low iron) so its not quite as clear as the Starphire, but alot better then normal glass...
Here in 2 months or less you will be able to see a 48" deep glass tank It will only have euro bracing aswell as being trimless with ground and polished edges...