6055 noisey


Hey Roger,

I`ve PMed you before about this and you sent me a new impeller, but my clicking noise just won`t go away. I can`t use interval 1 because the clicking noise is very load. Anything else we can do about this?

Thanks, Dave
I don`t think there is a disk. Roger had sent a me a new black impeller, but it still makes noise.
There should be a disk behind the impeller as well. They orginally were white and dont come out, then stainless washers which can, and finally now are a black disk that seats firmly around the bottom of the shaft
Generally we sent a disk taped to the card of the propeller package, this had to be installed as well. You would remove the stainless steel disk and install the graphite reinforced plastic disk.
Maybe I missed the disks. Is that something you sell? How can I get ahold of a few disks?

I have one left in stock, I should get more next week. If you PM me your info again, I will mail you the one I have.