6055 upgrade

The 6055 pump has had no real changes except a new drive unit and disk, any pump made after Jan 2008 should have this already. You would just need parts 6055.700 and 6025.740. The only other parts changes have been the clamp which was changed in October 2007, an older version would likely be broken by now. Also the front cover had a minor change to lock on tighter and give more room for the cord, this was done in about June 2008, part 6045.130
No, this jumper set allows the same settings as the old slide switch, any attempt to overdrive the pump could destroy the pump, 28V is really the maximum the pump can handle and a 24V jumper with a higher input voltage of say 127V, can produce 26+V.

All our power supplies have had to change to meet new EU regulations regarding standby power consumption. Our older power supplies used 1-3W when the pump was off, this does not meet the new standard, the new replacements use 0-.5W. The new power supply uses jumpers instead of the sliding switch. The 6105, 6205 and 6305 already have the new power supplies, the 6055 will have the new power supplies in about 3 months in the US, they have already been introduced in Europe.