6080 vs. 6100


New member
I'm thinking of getting 2 streams and a multicontroller for my 220 gal. Mostly sps with some softies and an anomone. By reading some of the other posts I get the impression that the 6080 has variable speed control but on the Tunze and various retailers sites, it states that it doesn't. Could you please clear that up for me?

Also could you give me a list of retailers in Canada, the only one I know of is JL aquatics.

Only the 6100 and 6000 are controllable.

The 6060 and 6080 cannot be controlled and cannot be run on any brand of wavemaker.

I have no part in the Canadian market. I know that Phil Gilbert of Xenia/Giesemann is the distributor for Quebec. I would check the Tunze website at www.tunze.com for the most current listing or contact Phil and see which shops he supplies.
It is newer than the Tunze websites last update but it came out in April of last year. It is a lower flow version of the 6100 doing 1850gph at maximum flow.