610 dead fish in Hawaii garbage

Yeah some people are just plain stupid. 551 yellow tangs is a lot from the reef considering the depleting population of yellow tangs. Hopefully they catch they crooks and throw them in the slammer for life! It is also the people who buy fish from hawaii, who support this kind of stupidity. Every year 200,000 yellow tangs are caught and thousands of them die.
Just some food for thought - nothing illegal took place (as far as anyone knows or suspects). Every fish taken from the reef is effectively dead as far as the population genetics are concerned, so there is absolutely no difference to the environment between the yellow tang in the trash can, and the one swimming in your aquarium.
Finally, ask yourself, why is a system failure or disease outbreak such a shame when it happens to a home aquarist, yet ellicits such moral outrage (e.g. "its stupid") when it happens to a dealer or collector? Is it the number of fish involved? It shouldn't be - 500 yellow tangs dying in a dealer's hands is no different than 1 yellow tang dying in 500 aquarists hands....the mortality rate of all captive fish is 100%

Just some food for thought - nothing illegal took place (as far as anyone knows or suspects). Every fish taken from the reef is effectively dead as far as the population genetics are concerned, so there is absolutely no difference to the environment between the yellow tang in the trash can, and the one swimming in your aquarium.
Finally, ask yourself, why is a system failure or disease outbreak such a shame when it happens to a home aquarist, yet ellicits such moral outrage (e.g. "its stupid") when it happens to a dealer or collector? Is it the number of fish involved? It shouldn't be - 500 yellow tangs dying in a dealer's hands is no different than 1 yellow tang dying in 500 aquarists hands....the mortality rate of all captive fish is 100%


This is sad, but i see your point..
"Mortality rate", without a context of time is meaningless, I just used the statement to drive home side point I was making; that animals which are still active in the population, and which successfully reproduce are effectively "immortal". When we take them out of the population, be it in aquariums or a fish sandwich, they are out of the gene pool, forever.

Jay, don't forgot the "darkside" of aquaculture as well. Hatcheries cull fish all the time. It's not uncommon for some of the larger farms to cull tens of thousands a year.
"Mortality rate", without a context of time is meaningless, I just used the statement to drive home side point I was making; that animals which are still active in the population, and which successfully reproduce are effectively "immortal". When we take them out of the population, be it in aquariums or a fish sandwich, they are out of the gene pool, forever.


= genotypic fitness
where else to put 600 dead fish? Thousands are exported and imported, and several thousands die. When we have a fish die, we throw in the trash, and it get buried in the ground, circle of life.
It is also the people who buy fish from hawaii, who support this kind of stupidity.

Says the person who has a Hawaiian Flame wrasse as their avatar. You are jumping to conclusions as to how these fish perished. We don't know if it was done illegally or what the situation was that lead to the deaths. Yes it is a shame, but it will not lead to the Yellow tang becoming extinct in Hawaiian waters. Your take on collection of fish in Hawaii is a bit over dramatic. Commercial collection of fish for our food sources kill off more fish and reefs than a few divers collecting fish for our hobby.
Quite an unfortunate incident. This is the risk we take when we support such a bittersweet industry.
It is pretty disturbing to see the negative comments from people who think the Marine Fish trade should be outlawed all together. Seriously? I am all for enforcing responsible trade, captive-bred programs etc.., but attacking some of the most passionate ocean lovers is not the way to go. I always saw aquariums as an essential educational tool... after all, out of sight-out of mind.

Some highlights:
"It should be illegal to collect tropical fish so some loser can look at them, as if they were a TV screen. It is sad and pathetic."

"No aquarium hobbyist needs a reef fish more than our reefs and our people do."

"Aquarium collecting is the same as killing the golden goose to get at the eggs inside. It shouldn't be regulated. It should stop!"

"Reef rapers! great statement Koaman. Reef rapers, grow and raise your own fish! some people prefer to view theyre fish in the ocean and not in a aquarium."

"This is just horrible. Aquarium fish gathering on reefs should be banned."

And my personal favorite (also leads me to believe that the fringe left is the only people posting extreme comments like these)

"The dolphins are being hunted for new dishes, and now wasting the yellow tangs! The world should ban fishing all together!
No aquarium fish catching, and no edible fish catching!"

Wow. Does Reefkeeping have a PR problem?
i see everyones point,my only coment is everyone is correct......i just hate to see all these guys die this is truely a sad day......good luck to all in keeping your hobby safe
It's the mentality that makes plane crashes such big news. 1,000 times more people in car accidents but no one is up in arms everytime there is a car crash demanding answers.
Looks like a diversion from the real criminals. The poachers of edible cusine. I can tell from alot of the posts that some didn't read the entire story. Nothing illegally (known ) was done. The equipment of the live well is synopsized to have malfunctioned on a legal collecters boat. A question I would have is who was going through trash bags in the garbage?
PETA People need to think ---I really wonder how anyone could be a PETA member and survive because plants are living organisms also so what do they eat they need to get real.

My Peta = PETA People eating tasty animals
This incident has many repercussions for us Hawaiian hobbyists because it adds fuel to the movement by a Maui snorkeling tour company to get collection for the aquarium trade completely banned. We already have the strictest rules anywhere about what we can have in our aquariums because of the prohibition on collecting/importing.

If there IS a reasonable explanation for why someone had that many dead fish, I really hope that person comes forward. Otherwise, everyone will just think the worst (of collectors AND hobbyists).