6105s on IceCap Battery Backup


New member
Do you know if the 6105 is compatible with the IceCap Battery back up?

I have 2yr old pumps (before the ones w/ individual controllers came out) on a 7095. I hooked them up to the battery backup and it appears to work okay--reduces flow a bit. However, the LED indicator on the Battery BackUp always indicates a draw on the battery and doesn't blink as it should. CoralVue seems to think that the pumps may be constantly drawing down the battery even with the pump power connected and asked that I confirm compatibility. I am using the 18V jumpers on the power supply.

i don't know, my assumption is you would need the safety connector to handle the switching between the two units (back up and power supply), since the back up is 12V, the flow would be equal to the power supply set to 12V when in back up.