62g in Wall sps build

Colors are looking good!!! AF :dance:

That's not a pearlberry. Our area is saturated with people making crap up, I hate it. Either way I really like it. Looks like a lokani maybe? You can name it the Teal Salty, LOL! I have one similar, but its more colorless but not in a bad way. Got it from Mike as an "Albino Hawkins". Its not even an echinata. I thought it was a caroliniana but the more it grows the less I think that.

Wait, you noticed that too? Haha
Hey guys been absent for a while watching this tank grow... I dont know what's worse, watching paint dry ir this lol. Anyways tank is doing great so far some things are really taking off!!!. Anyways here are some pics with my new dslr. Sorry, im getting the hang of it little by little.

Miyagi tort

Asd goodies

Asd rainbow mili( need to get a better pic)

Pc rainbow
Nice colors Jorge! Looks so clean and organized, I love your tank buddy! In 6 months that thing is going to POP!!! Cheers buddy :)
Those are coloring up nicely! Everything looks healthy. Do you have an updated pic of the Grapefruit Acro?
Hey Matt, i dont have a pic of it since currently is not worthy of one. Had some placement issues with it, as well as the HoC dragon slayer. So i got ahold of tck and Dan was nice enough to tell me were to place. Basically the grapefruit is a low light acro, and i was cooking the crap out of it. So i moved it to the bottom of the tank. I promise ill take a pic in a few weeks and show you if it improves.
Nice. Looking good. Looks like you figured out the camera.
getting there. Need tons of practice though.

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Nice colors Jorge! Looks so clean and organized, I love your tank buddy! In 6 months that thing is going to POP!!! Cheers buddy :)
Thanks Perry. Man means a lot coming from you guys. Gonna have to take a trip up there soon for that acud trip, and that pink goodie you have.
jealous good luck
:)thanks :)
Catching up, nice to see everything is drying .... I mean growing! Might be slow but things look healthy and colorful.

Looking good, Jorge!
Nice colour and good pe on everything.

Thanks Mark and Matt.
Tank really is on auto pilot. Things are clicking on every cylinder. .. finally. I have had to increase component 123 from 20ml a day, to 42ml a day in the last month. Also i have have changed af dosing a bit to mimic, Debora's tank and boy.. things are doing wayyy better.
Doing Daytime
Probios/nppro 2dropa daily

Nighttime 1 hr after lights out.
2 drops of
Micro E
Also 1 drop of Lugols.

I haven't performed a water change in over 1 month, but im going to do a 30% tomorrow. Alk has dropped like the stock market over the last month fron 7.7 to 6.1. Hence why i have increased my dosing. It is now at 7.1, which i feel more comfortable than in the 6s. But i guess this is a good sign. :)
Hey guys sorry for no updates , but im currently having a bit of reefers bad luck. Not only did my Skimmer pump die on me, but i guess i have red bugs yayyyyyyy:blown: I have been noticing some poor P.E on some of the corals, so i did a quick check.. and what do you know red bugs. I guess it could be worse. I guess from all the pest you can possibly have this is one of the easiest to kill. Now pulling things out and dipping is just no an option for me.. to much work. So i will look for some sentinel or interceptor and nuke this tank. If shrimps die so be it. Unfortunately, my local vet refused to give me the Rx , so Canada online stores it is. Lets just hope i have no losses by the time it gets here. In the meantime here are some pics

Good luck with the treatment.
removing and dipping wouldn't work on red bugs anyways.. unless you dip them for at least 30 minutes..
Anyways interceptor is the way to go..
I'm shocked that your vet turned you down..
Did you show him some pics and some info on the bugs?
When i had a dog, my vet prescribed me some..