62g in Wall sps build

I'm glad things are going so well, and I love seeing another reefer see first hand how T5s make lighting a reef easy at the same time as being very customizable for look:celeb1:

Try to not worry about the PO4 number too much- your rocks are clean as a whistle and at this stage you would be better off with a little phosphate rather than zero. As far as the Qty of Phosphate minus, I am holding off on reccomending amounts until I know the product better. For you, test in a few days while keeping your feeding routine constant and see if your number has moved up or down and adjust accordingly. 0.07 is a fine phosphate number.

Alk is better around 7 than around 8 IME, being lower won't hurt growth.

What camera/phone are you using? It appears some of the pics are taken at an angle to the glass, which screws up even full DSLR cameras. If you are taking an angle picture, try to have at least one edge of the camera pressed up against the glass, there will be less distortions that way.

Hey Matt.
Your help really means a lot. :) im going to continueto test p04 and maintain feedings the way i do. As far as rocks being clean, 90 % are however i have turf as described in prior post. That thing is the devil. Nothing i throw in will eat it. Hermits, turbos , emeralds, next on list is a foxface and a urchin as Perry recommended. Trying realy hard to stay away from the sea hare.. toxins and sps not an ideal combo. Also i will keep alk in the lower 7s, since you are correct these corals seesm to be loving it.
The camera im using is my galaxy s6 active. I have tried my wifes iphone 6s but pictures are even bluer.

Here is some turf .. :-/

I have some turf in a couple of spots in the flubber tank, its not too big of a deal. Urchins may be the answer for it, but you have to watch them and replace corals they knock loose from time to time. I have two urchins in the SPS tank.
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Those are definitely better and more clear:). Did you do any post processing?

Hey Matt, Yes.
My GS6 camera has a lightbulb setting that I guess adjust light/darkness level of the pic. I lowered it almost all the way, then took the pic. They come out very dark/dim. So then I adjusted the brightness/Temp, and a little bit of the saturation, and got them like that. Its the closest I can get to actual colors and not come out super blue. I will keep playing with it, and get them better :bdaysmile:
Hey Matt, Yes.
My GS6 camera has a lightbulb setting that I guess adjust light/darkness level of the pic. I lowered it almost all the way, then took the pic. They come out very dark/dim. So then I adjusted the brightness/Temp, and a little bit of the saturation, and got them like that. Its the closest I can get to actual colors and not come out super blue. I will keep playing with it, and get them better :bdaysmile:

Try Snapseed, it makes the post processing way easier.

[/url]2016-04-03 13.00.46 by rhymebusta101, on Flickr[/IMG]


Tank is moving along nicely. Just keep going as you are. You should see improvements in the coming months. :beer:
Try Snapseed, it makes the post processing way easier.

[/url]2016-04-03 13.00.46 by rhymebusta101, on Flickr[/IMG]


OHH.. nice
Just got it. Ill take some pics tonight and play with it.

Tank is moving along nicely. Just keep going as you are. You should see improvements in the coming months. :beer:
Thanks Sahin. That's exactly what im trying to do . Keep everything the same as its not, and hopefully this thing will take off even more.

New Corals coming soon. Kinda undecided yet as from were. Toss up between BC, TCK or another ASD order :)
Found my flame angel nipping on my acros. Think i foresee an eviction. ..wife is not going to be happy if i kick him out. That's her fish
Ok i had enough. He is coming out. He is nipping the crap out of everything. I have 0 PE because of him. I hope my 6 line kicks his butt, and i hate that dang mean wrasse. I swear i want to shoot him. Here is a diy fish trap, if it doest work i will buy one.. or any suggestions? ?
Found my flame angel nipping on my acros. Think i foresee an eviction. ..wife is not going to be happy if i kick him out. That's her fish

Been there, done that. It was sad since they are beautiful fish, but some can be absolutely relentless on corals. Yes, my wife was not happy either, but she got over it.

My new favorite fish is a starry blenny. Great personality and amazing algae eater. He even goes after GHA.
Ok i had enough. He is coming out. He is nipping the crap out of everything. I have 0 PE because of him. I hope my 6 line kicks his butt, and i hate that dang mean wrasse. I swear i want to shoot him. Here is a diy fish trap, if it doest work i will buy one.. or any suggestions? ?

Regarding fish traps....

feed only from the fish trap. Might not be a bad idea to run a feed tube, (air line tubing?) down to the trap and feed from there.

Fish will be suspicious of it, and will stay away from it for several days.
Dont feed the tank any other way and they will get acclimated to it.

Eventually, the fish will go inside the trap.
Outstanding work buddy!
I love the full tank view, it shows how much attention to detail in the build, just looks amazing :)
Been there, done that. It was sad since they are beautiful fish, but some can be absolutely relentless on corals. Yes, my wife was not happy either, but she got over it.

My new favorite fish is a starry blenny. Great personality and amazing algae eater. He even goes after GHA.
I think when I catch him, I will get a long nose hawk. I have always wanted one. Its sad I have to rid of this flame, he really is gorgeous. But $40 fish VS 1000's in SPS??? flame is the loose.

Tank is looking good and so are your shots.
Keep em coming!

Thanks Matt. Yours is really something else as well.

Regarding fish traps....

feed only from the fish trap. Might not be a bad idea to run a feed tube, (air line tubing?) down to the trap and feed from there.

Fish will be suspicious of it, and will stay away from it for several days.
Dont feed the tank any other way and they will get acclimated to it.

Eventually, the fish will go inside the trap.

Day 3 with the SSA trap, and still NADA. he hovers around but wont go in all the way. I might have to get my 6line out , maybe he will go in after that. That and my Blue tang eats all the food I put in the trap. He looked like a 6month prego lady(my wife ;) yesterday..lol

Tanks looking amazing buddy. A lot of nice updates, I can't wait to settle down and get a permanent setup.
Thanks Hershy. Glad you back in the states bud!

Outstanding work buddy!
I love the full tank view, it shows how much attention to detail in the build, just looks amazing :)
Thanks Perry.
This was all my wife's idea. Although I must admit.. my sump is getting quite messy.
My next tank will def be a peninsula I love the fact that you can see both long sides
Although they are nice, there are many thing I hate about them.
One if flow, its hard to get random flow. Specially, since al pumps bounce the flow of the front wall. So in my instance, all ticks kinda grow in the same direction
two. Is access, I relly should have put doors on both sides. Having only access fron front, makes it hard to reach the back side of the tank.
Besides that, there and plenty others I just cant think of now .. However trust me, when it happens I curse at the tank lmao.
In my case my next one is a rimless :)
Although they are nice, there are many thing I hate about them.
One if flow, its hard to get random flow. Specially, since al pumps bounce the flow of the front wall. So in my instance, all ticks kinda grow in the same direction
two. Is access, I relly should have put doors on both sides. Having only access fron front, makes it hard to reach the back side of the tank.
Besides that, there and plenty others I just cant think of now .. However trust me, when it happens I curse at the tank lmao.
In my case my next one is a rimless :)

I feel your pain, my in wall looks slick as hell and my wife loves it, but you literally have no idea where you are placing corals lol. Its glue and pray its the right spot, if its not, oh well haha
Hey guys, sorry if its been a while since an update. I have been dealing with the flame angel aka "fire devil". Took me over a week to catch him. In the end, i had to tear the tank down to remove him. No trap, no fish net trick, no bottle trap , nada. I had enough... Luckily the tank seems to be recovering good and pretty quick. He really did a nimber on my sps. Funny thing is that my wife refused to believe that he was a nipper. Untill i recorded him going to town on my sunset monti, and asd rainbow millli ( wanted to fry and eat him for this one). Of course her answer was, but he is so pretty, who cares about those ugly sticks.Lmao these are fight words, lucky she is pregnant!!

I also replaced the ATI aquablue Special for another Coral plus. I was getting tired of the washed out look i was getting in some corals. Very happy now. This made a big difference, corals are looking amazing. I would take close ups , but not yet once they recover from the carnage. Oh and some sweet TCK sticks coming in on Tuesday :).

Here is a quick fts.
Bulbs front to back
Kz superblue
Ati true actinic
KZ superblue
KZ Superblue
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