Looks good nick, it should have a little room to grow back there.
Green slimers go very well at the top, good choice. It can spread out and become a coral focal point![]()
Well me and my wonderful wife got married on the 5th and departed on our Caribbean honeymoon on the 6th. Before we left I was stressed as my ATO that was given to me for free when I bought my tank was cracked near the water level device (not sure if its called a float or not) and I did not use it. So I filled the sump up pretty high with half saltwater and half freshwater (my attempt to keep the pH in check) and turned the skimmer off. I still dose manually so I was not sure how the tank would fare for 10 days on its own, I figured the drop would be slow enough not to destroy anything and I would just slowly raise when I returned.
Upon arrival back at home today the tank was a little dirty but the sump still had plenty of water in it and I only lost 1 acro frag. The frag had been looking pretty poor for about a month before the trip I guess that just topped it off. My purple mini colony browned out slightly but other than that everything looks just as I left it!
The trip was awesome though, we snorkeled two reefs off of Cozumel, Mexico and some coral gardens off of Grand Cayman. The guide was cool and let me free dive away from the group. I had a GoPro with me an got some decent shots, however the guide had a nice underwater camera and shared some pics with me for a small fee (he got some of the wife and I as well so I had to get them!). Needless to say this was the first time I had seen real reefs and they are truly incredible. Seeing them makes me want to get scuba certified so I can really do some diving.
I did a 5 gal water change this evening and turned the skimmer back on. Ill post pics when I get the chance this week!
Congrats on getting married!
I definitely think that the skimmer being down is a bad thing - do you have any idea why the algae and debris was stopping the skimmer from working? Was it blocking the air intake?
Looking good. Love those green birdsnests but they grow and grow and grow and then grow some more. I would love to see the blue stag when it gets settled it.
Nicely done! I don't know which coral wins in a monti vs birds nest battle- that's two pretty wimpy varieties. The acros will definitely kill montis where they get close.Yesterday I decided to relocate my green birdsnest as my red planet was growing into it. The bird started as a 1 inch frag so I couldn't let it get killed by the red planet. It was inexperience with SPS placement on my part. I was nervous about cutting and moving the birdsnest but all went well. Here is a picture prior to moving it
I cut in 3 places and moved it on top of my monti cap. I don't think that the monti will kill the bird or vice versa (correct me if I'm wrong). I could not get the superglue and epoxy to hold the colony up so I just placed the base in a crevice on the rock where an old frag used to be. Hopefully the birdsnest will bond itself to the rock. The following picture is following the move:
I also picked up a blue stag frag yesterday from the LFS.
Nicely done! I don't know which coral wins in a monti vs birds nest battle- that's two pretty wimpy varieties. The acros will definitely kill montis where they get close.
Hey Nick,
how's it going in here?
So far it seems like the bird is trying to secure itself on top of the monti. Both are growing like crazy and neither is showing any "injury" spots where they are touching.
Hey Mark,
Things are definitely going. Hopefully will be getting some tank goodies for Christmas if my wife has taken the hints :spin1:. Everything continues to grow, I feel like I could get much more growth if I had a dosing pump that could keep things steady. I still manually dose Ca and Alk multiple times a week. Also battling GHA. I control algae and aquatic vegetation in private lakes every day and it ticks me off to come home and see it in my tank! I have cut feedings with the weekly water changes and am skimming to what I think is heavy (I have to empty the cup twice a week). My tang is helping but he cant keep up. Hopefully with some more time it will get better. I keep hoping to see something resembling your blue stag in my LFS but no such luck! The one I bought a while back is doing good still on the sand bed but I don't think it will be the vibrant blue that yours is, man that thing is a beauty! Hope all is well with you.