700 gallon tank, or how i spent my daughters inheritance

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How disappointing, I was hoping for a MUCH bigger skimmer. Guess I have to unsubscribe to this thread now.

good eye H2OENG-

i posted that picture on another thread and meant to post the one i am getting here but oops and once it was done decided to see if someone caught it. stop by for your prize when you are in town.

i didn't say that was my skimmer, just that i am ready to hook mine up. it is on the way from the manufacturer, MyReefCreations.com, right now.

that really is my daughter though.

Joe's is >10' tall. mine will only be 4' tall.

here is a picture of the one i should have by early next week.
Thanks I'd definately run that 'other skimmer' on an on-off cycle unless I was sponsered by someone's endowment or something. That's just huge - 5hp just for the skimmer? what kind of pump power is used for tank turnover? Hopefully, 3 phase energy is availalbe. Alas... I've drifted further off topic.

Love this thread. I love the solar array as well as the natural light for the tank.

LED's.... nawh... this is the lighting of the future.
thanks Boviac-

what is 3 phase energy? is that 220? if so, it is still the same total draw and cost ultimately i think.

you can read about Atlantis Marine World 20,000 gallon tank here.

http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2007/2/aquarium/view?searchterm=joe atlantis

simply amazing. sometimes i set my screensaver to just run through all the photos i took there.

i hope this is the lighting of the future. so far so good. we will see what the dark days of winter bring.

i am lucky being so close to the beach, so far my tank is running 80-84 with only a couple of fans on my small sump.

it is only 74 degrees and sunny outside at 12:15pm. the sun is really streaming into the tank right now. and no fans are on and the tank is either 81 or 83 depending on which thermometer i believe.
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Generally most houses have effectively 2 phase which is two legs of 110-120V ~ 220V you mentioned. Though those are not necessarily on different phases. Go out on a major street and if they still have overhead lines, you'll genearlly see 3 lines. Those three lines are all AC (sinusodal) but are being transmitted in phase shifts. i.e. the peaks and troughs of the sinusodal wave hit such that they are offset when compared to one another. More powerful motors generally run more efficently on 3phase power than single phase. The cost to run a 5hp motor on single phase power is significantly higher than one ran in 3 phase. I can almost guarantee that the place in question does have 3 phase power.

220V in your house really only works in heat applications such as your hottub,water heater, range, or dryer.

Thanks for sharing your temp situations. You said it's 74 outside... what is the temp of the tank room/house? Is the tank running that hot from the sunlight's input? I discovered a simple $7 walmart fan on a temp controller keeps my tank's chiller from operating but maybe once or twice a week. And that's with my house maxing out at 82-84F.

Though I can see renting for quite a while unless something else changes in my future so LED will be my choice until I can build my own house and something like you've done! So I'd be interested in all this type of information as you go along.
thanks for the 3 phase info. i do have 220 to the ovens.

i think i will have to go to Walmart.

my house has windows and doors open most of the time. i have only had the AC on one day a few weeks ago when it was 90 outside. so air flow through it is good. also the tank skylight is open about 6" and creates a bit of a pull from the garage under the tank up past the tank and out the skylight. also the roof deck access and skylight has a similar chimney effect.

inside temp is also in the mid 70's.

Very cool. So I'm going to assume that inside temp is similar to outside air temp. So then the tank is mostly being kept in the low 80s from the sunlight? Or are the pumps, etc adding extra heat to bring it up that high?

Very cool thermal cooling effect with the chimney, huh? Passive solar homes were big in the 70's and early 80's but now they're coming back into fashion... or necessity. ;) Love the doggie shots. Ironically, we live in a college town - college students - yes, pets - no. Miss having a dog. Alas, the tank and a 3y.o. are enough for me now.

Is that another tank or the back shot in that photo?
i think the pumps and the sun keep the temps higher than the air temps.

the background on the door is just a reflection. you can't see any of the other tanks from the entry.

i was just in working in the tank with my snorkel and the male trigger came over and bit me on the lip, drew a drop of blood. the ungrateful little ------! i thought he was just curious.

i am feeding them a lot too!

i won't have to stick my head in so often soon. Melev, Marc Levenson, has made me a couple of viewers to float on the surface. they should enable me to work on the tank with the pumps running and still be able to see what i am doing. then i can aquascape a bit more too.

Ouch. Sorry Carl. I guess the trigger was a bit TOO curious. It's not like they have hands to feel around. Just like my kid. Everything goes into the mouth.

I have an aggressive clown whenever I get in (read: my hands and half arms) the tank half that he and his/her anemone are in does similar things but at least its mouth doesn't have trigger teeth that can actually draw blood. But when I'm not paying attention it can scare the bejesus out of me.

Yeah, Melev's got some great things on his website; I've even tried a few myself. I'm sure he's quite proficient with acrylic by now especially since he's a professional stripper :D That UW viewer should help the lips.

Where do you have your heaters set at a minimum or how low does the tank go? It is interesting to see that the sunlight is actually causing the tank to heat this much as I doubt all of your equipment is keeping it this hot with ambient heat losses to your room being around a 5-7F loss, especially with the natural air flow from the garage to the skylight around the tank. I'm all for natural light but it seems to me we'll have to find natural cooling as well.

Depending on your humidity which living near the ocean might be much higher that what I have in the north NorCal valley, so I wouldn't be heading to Wallyworld just yet. If you're already at >50-60% humidity you might not get that much benefit from evaporative cooling (fans blowing air across your tank/sump surface). Of course, it's all relative (literally) so room air temperature and humidity will dictate the Evaporative effectiveness.

Thanks for the feedback.
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