7092 or 7096?


Active member
Hello, I would like to add one 6055 to my tank and possibly a maximum of two 6055's total.
I prefer to pay a little less and get the 7092 with photocell, but I am confused about its settings. I don't want a wave in my tank. I would like either random flow or a steady flow at a set percentage say 80% for 12 hrs and night mode for 12 hrs. Is the 7092 flexible enough or do I need to make waves with this controller?
7092 can run in wavemode or pulse mode. Wavemode is off and on every .30-2.00 seconds to create a wave. Pulse mode is pulsing between 2 speeds every 2-10 seconds so for example 40-80 and if the bottom most knob is 40% at night in night mode the pumps will stay at 40%. The main draw back to a 7092 2 pump set up is the pumps can only do the same or opposite 40-80 on both or one at 40-80, other at 80-40, they cannot be set up independently. If you just want one constant speed, you would not even need a controller, you can turn the pump down and run a fixed speed without any controller at all.