7095 setup reccomendations


Premium Member
Looking for recommendations on how to set up my 7095. This will be controlling 4 6105's in a new 300g Deep Dimension tank (72x36x27). I was thinking of having two of the pumps kind of centered on the back wall aimed towards the outsides and the other two on the sides aimed across the front. If there's a better way to distribute the pumps let me know that as well. Obviously the intent is to have lots of chaotic flow hopefully without the normal sandstorms.

TIA for any input.
I think the best is either all 4 pumps on the back wall evenly spaced and with about a 30 degree angle and use sequence mode or 2 pumps on each side aimed at each other using Interval mode. You don't want chaotic flow, flow in nature has a general rhythym that follows tides and wave surges and much of the more recent research shows that too much chaos inhibits feeding responses. An occasional chaotic event to stir up detritus is fine, but not as a general means of flow.
Thanks I'll take a look at those setups. Your right about the chaotic versus rhythm effects and I guess I worded my original post poorly. I just want to make sure that there is plenty of flow all throughout the tank without things being blasted. The only problem I'd see with having them all across the back is I'd worry that the front of the rocks wouldn't get as much as the back but maybe that would be OK.

Anyone else have a setup that works well for them.

Please excuse the roughness of these pics but this is what I was thinking originally.


From what your saying though it may be better to have something like;


With that I'd just worry about the stuff on the ends or back getting blasted and the stuff up front not getting enough.



That one is probably the best but... it's not overly pretty to look at :(

Am I following you correctly?
Using this pattern;


Will I get enough flow to the corals on the front portions of the rock? If so that's the route I'll go.

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You could try it but you will need to use Interval mode so a and c run and then b and d or else the flow will be crossed and reduced to a very high turbulence immediately in front of the pumps. For sequence, all 4 need to be parallel, facing the same direction.