7096 R&D and Updates?

At first, the update was just to add an Interval 2 mode, in response to customer request we are trying to add other requested modes, so the delay is to meet what you have asked for. Interval 2 is ready, but we would rather unveil all 3 new modes together and one is still not quite where it needs to be, but we are close. It will be worth it, we are essentially doubling the options of programming.
I never doubted the tunze tech and necessity to get things 100%.
I trust it will be great when finished.
It's just a bit like being a kid again and waiting for Christmas.

Me too! I have to say, I appreciate the fact that Tunze won't release the update till they're satisfied it's right. Too many companies use their customers as unwitting and unwilling beta testers.
I will arrive at the factory early Friday and be back on line August 1, by then I will have a good idea of where we are at.
Someone in Penzbergs ears were burning, I just got this email. It is only part of what is planned but it gives some new options for now while we work on more programs.

A new update for the software 7096 is now ready: Version It will be set on internet in about two or three days.

What is new?
For pulse and Wavecontroller a speed ramp is now available. This creates a soft start of the pump. The noise is lower.
"minimum flow for switched off pumps"œ: For "Interval" this creates the same what we have at mulitcontroller 7095, called "Interval 2". For the Function "Sequential" the pumps will not be stopped, but will run with 30% if the new function is on. This allows a random flow which causes no noise. Unfortunately for this random flow 3 pumps at least are needed.
There are still the same 3 primary modes, but I think all the functionality is there as features under each mode. I only played with it a few minutes this morning though, so I don't remember for sure and I'm not there now.

The new ramp up setting for the pulse mode is fantastic. The fast ramp way it used to be done seemed to make my pumps shift around a little in their clamps. The way mine were sitting at the moment, the end result of that would mean the pump would creep a little bit and the nozzle would end up touching the clamp and passing more vibration/noise into the room. There's no longer visible movement as the pump shifts from low to high. In addition what little noise there was is now gone.
There are still the same 3 primary modes, but I think all the functionality is there as features under each mode. I only played with it a few minutes this morning though, so I don't remember for sure and I'm not there now.

The new ramp up setting for the pulse mode is fantastic. The fast ramp way it used to be done seemed to make my pumps shift around a little in their clamps. The way mine were sitting at the moment, the end result of that would mean the pump would creep a little bit and the nozzle would end up touching the clamp and passing more vibration/noise into the room. There's no longer visible movement as the pump shifts from low to high. In addition what little noise there was is now gone.

I've been having the same shifting with my 6205's. I'm looking forward to trying the soft ramp-up.
It does not seem the mac version has been updated. I don't see the new soft start options and the other noted changes.
Ok. I've downloaded the update and played around with it.
The update is more of a refinement to the existing modes. Don't expect to be blown away but it does work really well.
The random flow is the one I like best. It's easy and very simple to set with similar results to the pulse mode I was using previously.

It would be good to get a better description of what each new feature actually does. Although if you play around with them for a bit you'll figure out the limitations.

The only thing that seems limiting about this and other features is that you end up with capped timing on the ramp and pulse etc.
I can appreciate that you can't have the pump ramping up speed for too long, as the pumps need to run at a minimum of 30% for mechanical reasons but, why is the pulse time also limited?
I also found this frustrating in the interval mode. If I want a 30sec interval then why can't it be set to less than 1 minute?

I'm really happy with the controller an latest update but, I just don't see why these items are capped.

PS. Does anyone know if the storm mode is updated so that none of the pumps run@0% during the sequence like the new feature allows in sequential mode?
Ive got 2 x 6205's

The new features are updated in the manual

I use pulse mode. I like the new 'Random' mode. i've set my pumps on 50%->100% (inversed) and it alternates 0.3->3.0 seconds i believe. seems pretty good.

I'm not really worried about the ramp up mode as my pumps never go to 0% flow. I did try it and it keeps them quiet while ramping though
It does not seem the mac version has been updated. I don't see the new soft start options and the other noted changes.

Agreed, I just looked at the Mac download, it's still the old software.

Hope the update doesn't take too long. :sad1:
roger, are there more documentation on what the random mode does? i checked out the manual and theres only one line explaining what it does

“random flow“ - Upon activation, a random alternating pulse frequency is used in a range of 0.5 to 3 seconds.