I have been really pushing to have it ready for MACNA. Right now if you have an Intel based Mac, I can recommend VMWare running Windows. My personal opinion- avoid Parallels like the plague, slow, crappy, software with awful support, we used to use it and I changed to VMWare and it is a night and day difference, Parallels would crash with every OSX update and there own updates had trouble installing and they charge for every call. We use only macs at Tunze USA and this is the solution I am using now and it is honestly more stable and easier than a regular PC, I don't really understand why, but I have very few problems with the 7096 in this set up. The mac version is very close though, the basic program works and the USB connection works on certain macs but not others and is being debugged right now. Really the only hold up is reliable recognition and connectivity by USB with all versions of OS 10.5 and later, right now it only works with older Intel macs running 10.5. It will not work on Power PC macs however and support for these older macs is not planned.