75-150g Skimmer, School Me


New member
Like the title says, I have been very impressed in the past with the other equipment I have from Tunze. Looking for a new skimmer tell which skimmer I need and why vs. the others out there.

If you want the best I would get the 9410, it is a small needle wheel skimmer and as our machinist said to Mr. Tunze, "Congratulations, you make the best small skimmer in the world and nobody knows about it." It really works well and is easy to use, it costs just under $400. It is a bit of overkill but if you are doing SPS, it would be a great choice. It is relatively set and forget, it automatically shuts down skimming to avoid a foam over if the cup is full or the surface tension changes and would cause a foam over. It is small, quiet and uses only about 18W of power and has a post filter bag/bubble trap. It came out late last year and isn't in the catalogue so it is kind of lost at the moment but all the feedback has been very positive except the 50 micron bag clogs quickly in some set ups, but it is a standard 4" bag and you can use a 200 micron to eliminate this issue and we plan to change to 200 micron next year.