750 L reef tank from israel

hahaha thanks :)

yea we got the red sea in israel and allso the Mediterranean sea
But from the Red Sea u can't get anything the law does not permit u to
Take things from the sea and if they catch you it's about 3000$ fine
i have purple zabrazoma fish in my tank that it originated in the Red Sea
my fish costed me about 100$ and even though right next to me in the Red Sea there are millions like sardines just swiming there :fish2::fish2::fish2:

ill post some pics from the red sea later

would love to see some pics, the red sea is one of the oldest seas and hence some of the most diverse inhabitants, do you dive?
would love to see some pics, the red sea is one of the oldest seas and hence some of the most diverse inhabitants, do you dive?

my word ill post really soon the pics
i dive ....well.....i do Snorkeling :) but you dont need to dive there because its only 1-2 meters from the beach youll see corals and the fish comes to you
this guys i catch them at the Mediterranean sea
really easy to catch and they r really good cleaners

That's the T5 Balast


that's the T5 on the tank


this is the zo's with T5 light


the metal Connected to the ceiling


that's the connectores of the mixing tank


the automatic water change ,i just need to press on and open the valve and it does automatic every thing



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for now im adding it by hand 10ml each day untill ill get the dosing pumps

10ml for the aquarium 100 ml for me :sleep:


thats for the pips of the dosing pumps

One thing I have seen for the nitrate reactors. Above the nitrate substance in the reactor I have seen people put crushed coral or calcium reactor material in the reactor but after the nitrate stuff thats supposed to help stabilize waters ph before re-entering the system.

Is that vodka 80%? I would dose according to the chart on reefkeeping.com and I think 10mls to start is way too much. Just my .02c I dont dose vodka myself, after a month my system almost completely crashed. Vodka doesnt work for my tank.

Just wanted to give you a heads up. Other than that, awesome!
One thing I have seen for the nitrate reactors. Above the nitrate substance in the reactor I have seen people put crushed coral or calcium reactor material in the reactor but after the nitrate stuff thats supposed to help stabilize waters ph before re-entering the system.

Is that vodka 80%? I would dose according to the chart on reefkeeping.com and I think 10mls to start is way too much. Just my .02c I dont dose vodka myself, after a month my system almost completely crashed. Vodka doesnt work for my tank.

Just wanted to give you a heads up. Other than that, awesome!

thanks !!!:)

about the stabilizing the ph from the nitrate reactor i have this reactor that water just pass Through and get the ph up untill it returns to the tank , to add crushed coral in the same reactore with the solfor is not recommended because the bacteria that consume nitrat will work beter in a low ph environment (that is from what i know )


yea the vodka is somthing like 80%
i saw the chart in reef central but from past experience i had 1 ml for each 100 liters and every thing goes smooth
we got the same chart in our local fish forum and it says to add 1 ml per 100 liters
btw i used to add vodka to my tank following the instruction by adding some precent each day and in the end i got to add around 35ml a day untill i got bacteria bloming ,but what i ment to say is that every thing were ok
the fish the shrimps and allso the corals

so check your tank there should not be any problem adding vodka to any tank , its just carbohydrate for bacteria in general
Here are all the crazy people in 3 am in our local fish store gather around to buy fresh corals that just Arrived from a shippment





only 650$


on the right the sps's are my:dance:

3 AM?! Now those are some dedicated reefers!

what do you mean 3 am ??

my time is somthing like 9 houres less than in the us if that answers your question :rolleye1:

mmmm......i think you ment the shipment lol , the thing is if you wont be there when the shipment arrives than you will not get any nice looking coral they will be all gone by tomorrow

yea and you can say im a dedicated reefer :lol:
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Here's a food that I made
The problem that it got to be to chopped
i made it with lots of garlic so it will be spicy :smokin:




