750 L reef tank from israel

well i got the ****er in the end with a trap that i build
thats the trap


here is a fish no one should put in his tank ....the biggest mistake a reefer will do ,a bginer mistake :hammer:



this pour fish did not survive the dotty back attackes :furious:


any way the they after i got the dotty back out of the tank i went to the fish store and got me 6 yellow warses :thumbsup:


well i got a new fish to deal with a problem i got in my tank
this nudibranchs is eating my sps corals and there r 10000000 of it in my tank




i got some yellow warses
and 1 ireedis
and 1 6 line
hope they will do the job
meanwhhile my demsel fish killed 3 of the 7 yellow warses:mad2:
and as you can see in the pics the ireedis is not doing so well......i think his not gonaa make it:sad2:


and this is a pic i take today :sad2:





well i hope the fish that will stay alive will do the work and kill all this nudibranchs that are eating my sps corals :fun2:
Lately all my neighbors ask me if I have a Solarium at home
Here's why
this is how it looks from out side :rolleye1:


That's funny!! :D

I really like your tank man. The thing I like most is that it's clearly built on a budget and you have gone with some of the not-so-famous name brands, yet managed to end up with a first class display. All your fish and corals look so healthy!

Well done!!
thanks mate :)

a reactor will do the same job if it mension on it deltec or reefoctopus or what ever
they all work on the same Principle
but i like brands as every one else :))

Although the prices here in israel r very expensive.
for example , for a vortech mp 40w in the u.s or all over the world youll pay around 450-700$ we in isreal will have to pay around 1000$
a phosban reactor that cost all over the world just 50$ we will pay here 100$

so it sucks ,so most of the Equipment i have I bought or imported from abroad but i still had to pay for the delivery that is very expensive when its been shiped to israel

anyway thanks :))
some soft and lps that i got from a friend






the mess that i got under the stand
wish i would have an Equipment Room...bummer:hmm3:




I just read through your whole thread and really enjoyed it, You have done what few with no experience in this hobby can do the first time around. You must have really done your homework on learning all about this pretty complicated equipment you are using and doing it well. Any help you get from Ching in Thailand is always a good thing as IMO he is the master reefer Ha ha.
Your tank looks as good as they get even for someone that has much more experience in keeping a reef tank than you did when you started. I like the fact that you did a lot of DIY in putting it all together instead of just paying someone to do it for you. You did a great job of making it all work and keeping these animals all alive and thriving in your little piece of the sea.
The fact that you can't take anything from the Red Sea confuses me as we here in the US can buy Red Sea Tangs and other fish from there so how does that work? Is it some kind of Permit to collect from there that they sell to wholesalers? Or are these Fish being collected Illegally?
I just read through your whole thread and really enjoyed it, You have done what few with no experience in this hobby can do the first time around. You must have really done your homework on learning all about this pretty complicated equipment you are using and doing it well. Any help you get from Ching in Thailand is always a good thing as IMO he is the master reefer Ha ha.
Your tank looks as good as they get even for someone that has much more experience in keeping a reef tank than you did when you started. I like the fact that you did a lot of DIY in putting it all together instead of just paying someone to do it for you. You did a great job of making it all work and keeping these animals all alive and thriving in your little piece of the sea.
The fact that you can't take anything from the Red Sea confuses me as we here in the US can buy Red Sea Tangs and other fish from there so how does that work? Is it some kind of Permit to collect from there that they sell to wholesalers? Or are these Fish being collected Illegally?

wow thanks man for the Compliments !!!

about chingchai he is the master there is no doubt about it
Not only a master but also a great person
it was a pleasure to get to talk to him and meet him in person


about the fish and corals that you and me get from the red sea
there is 2 opsions :

1.they r being Smuggled from the sea in israel but im Doubt it because
here in the red sea in israel we got Many inspectors that do not allow to get animals from the sea and the Penalty for doing that if u get caught is very high its starts with a fine (from 500$-5000$ ) and you can get arrested as well .

and Trade in native wildlife in israel is forbidden .

2.they r being caught in the arab side( sinai ),there im Doubt that there are laws against trading in wildlife And even if there is a law against it
u can just bribe the inspectors and do what ever you want
so you can say they r being collected Illegally

you can see on this map our side and the sinai side
by the way sinai used to be israely land untill we gave it to egypt as a peace agreament so if we would not give this land to egypt maybe i would shipp you some fish later on :lol2:


so stores here in israel when they r importing animals they change the names on the invoice so they will have the pormit to import this livestock
so usually the animals r being shiped from the red sea (sinai ) to anouter contry i think to the u.s and then back here to israel
so for example you will pay for a purple tang (zabrazoma ) lets say 100$ ill need to pay for the same fish 200$ and thats just becouse i needed to pay for the Transport a few times more then you ...bummer .

hope i answerd you question .
shalom my dear friend :wavehand:
Sorry for the bad spelling, Shalom and thanks for your answers to my questions about the Red Sea livestock. IMO sorry to see money go into the hands of such people with no respect for the law. It's terrible that these items should cost you so much more due to some regulation that makes no sense to hurt business by raising prices to levels that are unfair to the consumer.
Glad you answered my ?? and was nice to talk to someone so far away with the same interest (Compassion) for this hobby as myself. I will send you some photos of my last tank i started about 3 months ago as soon as i get time to do so. My latest is just 105gal rimless with mostly SPS and wonderful cabinetry a friend in the business built for me.
With our current leaders in the US right now business is very bad all around and things are a bit more expensive in the hobby so not too much going on as far as new coral right now but i have over 100 different SPS colonies that i am just letting grow out for a change. I am jealous that you have been to Thailand to see the Masters tank and met him in person, That must have been great!
Thanks again and i have subscribed to your thread so talk again soon.
Do not lie and say Sina is Israely. There should not be Israel this is Palatines land

Then who said Israel gave Sina to Egypt? Sina is in Egypt for Egypt and must stay for Egypt for ever
Sorry for the bad spelling, Shalom and thanks for your answers to my questions about the Red Sea livestock. IMO sorry to see money go into the hands of such people with no respect for the law. It's terrible that these items should cost you so much more due to some regulation that makes no sense to hurt business by raising prices to levels that are unfair to the consumer.
Glad you answered my ?? and was nice to talk to someone so far away with the same interest (Compassion) for this hobby as myself. I will send you some photos of my last tank i started about 3 months ago as soon as i get time to do so. My latest is just 105gal rimless with mostly SPS and wonderful cabinetry a friend in the business built for me.
With our current leaders in the US right now business is very bad all around and things are a bit more expensive in the hobby so not too much going on as far as new coral right now but i have over 100 different SPS colonies that i am just letting grow out for a change. I am jealous that you have been to Thailand to see the Masters tank and met him in person, That must have been great!
Thanks again and i have subscribed to your thread so talk again soon.

thanks bill
i sure will be waiting to see your tank pics :)
100 sps sounds like a lot of money ,haha :thumbsup:
it was a pleasure chating with you
shalom my dear friend :wavehand:
Do not lie and say Sina is Israely. There should not be Israel this is Palatines land

Then who said Israel gave Sina to Egypt? Sina is in Egypt for Egypt and must stay for Egypt for ever

my dear friend i didnt start this tred to argue about politics
im sorry that i need to answer some one that will not accept my answer no meter what it will be
1/ i didnt say sinai is israeli i sed we gave it back as a Peace agreement
about israel it is a defrent story

here is a video that can Shed light on your ignorance


Last edited:
All this has been moved into a new 105gal rimless that i can't find the pictures to. I will take some new ones ASAP and send to you! Hope you like them.
found one more
these were taken in the new tank with a different camera, Not as good. The rest were on my Wife's computer that crashed.

thanks bill for letting me see your tank
its an amazing work you done there !!!
i have subscribed to your tred hope to see some pics soon :bounce1:
my dear friend i didnt start this tred to argue about politics
im sorry that i need to answer some one that will not accept my answer no meter what it will be
1/ i didnt say sinai is israeli i sed we gave it back as a Peace agreement
about israel it is a defrent story

here is a video that can Shed light on your ignorance



Good response handled with class Dragonfish. Shalom to you : )