75g Reef from Istanbul/Turkey





can you tell me about the lights you have hanging over your refugium? I currently run a set of power compacts in my sump but looking for something better that uses less energy.
Question, when you dosed H2O2 at 1ml/gal for a week, did you have the shrimp in the tank at the time? Did anything suffer from the dosing?
can you tell me about the lights you have hanging over your refugium? I currently run a set of power compacts in my sump but looking for something better that uses less energy.

Hello I use tt flourescent tubes from a company called Kengo. You canb use google to search for term "T5 Ultra slim linkable fluorescent fitting" .. I use 6500K tubes.. They have T5 6W, 8W, 13W, 14W, 21W, 28W, 35W units..
Question, when you dosed H2O2 at 1ml/gal for a week, did you have the shrimp in the tank at the time? Did anything suffer from the dosing?

Yes i had shrimp in the tank only some fish suffered. Mainly Royal Gramma and 2 tangs (Powder brown and Yellow) all 3 of them died from ich outbreak right after use of H2O2. It might have triggered an ammonia spike which i didn't test for.
Its been a while since i updated my thread. I have been going on with Zeovit method did some changes to coral placement. All my messing up with corals and rocks caused some nutrient spike which is now rather under control again. I like the current look more pleasing to the eye. Once the corals regain their colors it will be much better (hopefully)

Hi sahin,
thanks. The tank looks much more beautiful top-down imo. I will try to do the shot this weekend and post it...
Hello another update,
I have been very busy at work and don't have much time to spend for the tank.. The parameters are stable , growth is fine.. I changed the design yet again.. I like this one better but as corals grow tank looks too small to my eyes :) Its time to plan an upgrade...

gorgeous tank. Thanks for keeping this thread updated, I love seeing how far your tank has progressed.