75g Reef from Istanbul/Turkey

Hi everyone,
a quick update after a long break. By end of September i had some difficulties in my personal life which coincided with some major problems in tank as stated by Murphy's Law..

I had a severe case of ich/oodinium which wiped all my fish except my yellow tang , purple fire goby and melanurus wrasse. I used Prodibio "reef safe" Ich treatment but my zeovite tank couldn't handle that that safely i guess and i started loosing corals too. Nothing i did stopped it and i had an explosion of dino in my tank.

So to cut the long story short, I took out my ceramic rocks and bought some high quality and well cured Indonesian live rock, fragged what corals i could save from the ailing ones. Strangely some corals were not effected at all. It took my whole day to take out everything and set it up again at the end of November. Unfortunately i dont have any pics as it was a hectic time to sort things out asap.

Now almost a month and a half later and with some fish additions the tank starts to look nicer. I stopped Zeovit and started with Biopellets. Right now everything is under control with a slow STN on some corals. I am investigating the cause of this.

My parameters :

Ca:430 ppm
Mg:1350 ppm
K:410 ppm
NO3:2 ppm
PO4:0.015 ppm

A crappy hand help photo till i can do better hopefully this week.

Sorry to hear about your mishap. Hope it's go smooth from here forward.
Love the added swimming space of the new scape but maybe just a bit too symmetrical, I'm sure coral growth will offset this with time though.
Sorry about the problems. But the tank is looking nice now. Your SPS look pretty coloured up too. :)
I think its time to update my thread with some pix and more information. Since my last update tank has been going through the initial phases with some ups and downs. At some points i came rally close in pulling the plug on Biopellets but kept with them and things seem to be better now as the tank and corals adjust to the new biology.

I had some phosphate problem with virtually 0 NO3 so i dosed the tank with NO3 to bring it a bit up and along with PO4X4 i have managed to get the nutrients under control again.

My parameters :

Ca:430 ppm
Mg:1300 ppm
NO3:2 ppm
PO4:0.01 ppm

Some Pictures first the FTS









Wow, awesome colour on those corals and I am so jealous of your collection! This is my favorite out of the lot. But they are all so nice.
You have a lovely tank. I hope you get the STN issues figured out. I would look to low nutrients as being the culprit perhaps. Is that a Naoko's wrasse I see in the pics?
Hello Matt ,
Thanks! Yes that's a Naoko's wrasse. We are lucky that they are not so expensive here. I had the STN even when i had higher nutrients. I think it was due to tank biology settling up. It has pretty much stopped and corals started making bases again. Sometimes all we need is patience.
Another picture intensive update after a month and new coral additions. I lost some color on some corals because i had to take them out to glue them again. Especially pink one reacted badly. STN has almost completely stopped and corals started making base and growing again.

KH: 8.3
Ca:430 ppm
Mg:1400 ppm
K:400 ppm
NO3:1,5 ppm
PO4:0.03 ppm





There is a big difference in coloring of corals when you shoot from side and from top....





Looks awesome. :thumbsup: You've got some REALLY cool SPS pieces as well. Can I ask how much liverock/deadrock you have in the system please? Thanks.
Hello everyone,
Sadly since March i have had some terrible issues with my tank. the reasons i have still not found and its disturbing me a lot. Just weeks after my last update my SPS and LPS started closing their polyps and loosing tissue. Meanwhile everything else including softies, snails, shrimp and of course with have been OK and thriving. I suspected the usual Biopellets and stopped them. But nothing changed. Since then i have done several things tested a lot of parameters, i changed some equipment, checked RO-DI but nothings strange and couldn't find any reason. 2 months ago i did a big water change with new salt and added some test sps.. Things went well for 3 weeks and corals started dying again.. slowly loosing tissue from bottom and tips. Polys disappearing.

Parameters :
KH -7-8
PO4:0.03-0.01 ish

So i gave whatever survived to my friend and he is keeping them until i will have a new tank hopefully next summer.Right now i only have my fish and some ricordeas/palythoas in the tank.