So I must ask what do you feed them? And I also like the way the Sps look so happy. Just amazing how hard is it to keep up with Alk calcium and magnesium consumption?
You got some great little colonies going. Great corals!
The bubble algea is a pain in the rear and can quickly become a problem if not addressed. I had some serious bubble algea in my tank. What I did was remove as much as I could by hand then raised magnesium levels to 1500 and added female emerald crabs. The smaller you get them the better. Now if you go the emerald crab route just keep an eye out on them as they do die easily so keep your tank stocked will help.
Raising mag helps get rid of bubblealgae? That has never made a difference for me. I use scribbled rabbitfish in tanks that get big blumes of bubble algae. Popping the bubbles and pulling them off the rocks when i feed helps the fish become interested in eating them. I know popping them creats spores but it seems they will eat it easier if they dont see it as a bubbly mass. A few of my tangs will eat it that way but the rabbit is always a good bet to forage for it by itsself.
I have my SPS mounted on disks for several reasons:
- to provide a flat surface for corals to encrust
- to place some corals higher for better viewing
- to easily re-aquascape as corals grow
- to easily remove corals that get too large (birdsnest, motipora, and pocillipora colonies already removed)
- and for easy removal of corals for tank maintenance & fragging
I'm sure there are more benefits :thumbsup:
Corals look beautiful! When you say to easily remove corals that get too large, where r u moving them to?
Why not just selected frag?
Not knocking your thinking.
What is ur overall thinking ab the look of ur reef tank in say 2-3 years from now?