9004 DOC Skimmer Issues


New member
Hi All,

Admittedly, I am new to the whole reed tank thang. I have this skimmer in my 45G AIO tank and I just can't seem to get it right. Too low and it fills up with water really quick. 1/4" higher and the bubbles stay in the tube but don't advance into the skimmer chamber. I have the air flow wide open. Any suggestions?


Keep in mind that skimming takes time, it has to whip up a foam that will rise into the cup and that foam can only be produced if the organics are present (i.e. the tank has been up for a while and has some livestock that is being fed). I would set it up with the air all the way open and the water at the depth marked on the back and if it foams into the cup with water, raise it very slightly, about 1/4". If it still foams in the cup, close the air a small amount. If the tank is established, within a couple days some foam will rise into the cup.
Thanks, I'll try those suggestions. Right now its white bubbles (sort of foamy), is the foam supposed to be thick?
The protein foam will be a yellowish color and have the consistency of a meringue or the foam on guiness beer. Very fluffy. The white bubbles are just air bubbles, this is another layer that builds up on top.
I'm also having some tuning issues with 9004 and thought I'd chime in to hopefully help us both.

My 9004 is 7 months old and I just cleaned it almost 2 weeks ago ... see thread http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2561016

The skimmate is improving slowly, since the cleaning, but I wanted to make sure I'm maximizing it's efficiency. I currently have the cup set at the 3rd mark down from the top, since it won't produce skimmate at the watermark line on the back (at least so far after cleaning). I also have the air wide open, with no valve. I'm getting about 3 ounces of skimmate a day that's somewhat cloudy and foamy.

So ... I'm wondering if I should just set it to the back watermark and wait a few more days/weeks or is there something else special I need to do to reach skimmate nirvana?

Thanks :)
Could I get a photo to better understand how deep it is submerged? It sounds like it is submerged deeper than the marked line?
Its definitely above the water line. I started there and it was drawing too much water so I raised it a bit. I'll try to take some pics tonight.
Could I get a photo to better understand how deep it is submerged? It sounds like it is submerged deeper than the marked line?

With regard to my skimmer, it sounds like it might be running a lot lower than Russell's. It's about 3/8" deeper than the marked line. Here's some pictures and a video I just took, that hopefully will help.

This shows the 3 marks down from the top.

The waterline in the back.

Quality of skimmate.

Air inlet line with no valve. Normally it hangs down, I just put it on top for the picture.

Video of foaming.
It is submerged too deep, the line on the back is really the maximum, when bubbles escape from the front intake, that is a sure sign it is too deep and not properly surface skimming. I would lower the water level, leave the air completely open and give it some time. It is not unusual to not consistently have foam. The bubbles are whipping a protein/cellulose foam and that is what needs to actually rise up, it will be a yellowish finer foam on top of the bubbles. One thing that will definitely be detrimental is the extended air lines, the pump has to work much harder to pull further and those lines also seem to have a smaller diameter than the stock lines.
Thank you Roger!!!

I'll raise it up and shorten the airline for now. Then, I'll see if I can find the original airline to put on. BTW, do you know what the inner diameter is of the hose, just in case I can't find it?
Thanks Tim, U2.

It is submerged too deep, the line on the back is really the maximum, when bubbles escape from the front intake, that is a sure sign it is too deep and not properly surface skimming. I would lower the water level, leave the air completely open and give it some time. It is not unusual to not consistently have foam. The bubbles are whipping a protein/cellulose foam and that is what needs to actually rise up, it will be a yellowish finer foam on top of the bubbles. One thing that will definitely be detrimental is the extended air lines, the pump has to work much harder to pull further and those lines also seem to have a smaller diameter than the stock lines.

Great info. Still working on pics.