9004 Skimmer with 6208 Wavebox in 65 Gallon


New member
New to the forum today. Returning to the hobby after 15 years and much has changed. I have a 65 gallon tank that I am considering for primarily a FOWLR setup. It's a standard glass tank with the black rim on top. I can't have a sump and was hoping to do everything internally. Been reading a lot online to catch up on all the new stuff. I visited my LFS to check out the new technology and the salesperson suggested the 9004 skimmer and the 6208 wavebox (because he figured I would eventually want some coral). But I have read that if the water level is not constant, the 9004 won't work so well. The skimmer will have to go in the display area as I have no overflow area. Also I have only seen the skimmer installed in the back section of nanos. Will this skimmer fit properly in an old school tank? Will I need to trim out a section of the plastic rim to accommodate the cup? But more importantly, does this configuration make sense to you? and considering that I am planning a FOWLR, is not the 6208 overkill? Could I not get by with multiple powerheads like I did 15 years ago? Trying to keep my initial costs down so any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
If it is just a standard plastic rimmed tank with no glass perimeter bracing, it will fit, no trimming needed. I would probably be more inclined to go with a couple nano Streams, 6045 if you want to keep it basic or 6095 if you want controllable over the 6208 for your purposes.