900gal 72x72x40 planning

Triggerfish-That is how the setup I saw worked, it kinda mimics the suns path across the sky. In fact I assumed thats how they all worked, didnt know they rapidly moved around the tank. I didnt really get to look "under the hood" but I believe he said it was hooked up to some type of screw, I dont remember if it was periodically turned on and off or if it was a high torque very low rpm motor. My understanding is it took all day to get to one side, then when it hit the stopper at the other end, the motor experienced resistance and autoreversed. So at night it returned to its normal position. Again, something I need to do much more research about, but I think using the proper gear ratios it could definitly be done. Maybe someone will chime in with more info, thanks for all the input so far guys, very helpful.
Got you. I think that this type of setup will wear down the motor faster since it is constantly ramping up and down all day long but I have never used one so I can't be sure.
Ardeus, just took a look at that Japanese tank, pretty cool, really open, I dig the sandbed. I also notice theyre keeping dendronepthya, any info on this at all? I wonder how long theyve been there, I also see tubastrea in a hard to feed spot.
Also, I love the school of chromis, thats one of the things Im excited about, I want a school of about 30 of them. I have a small school of five of them now and they get along very well, Ive heard larger schools may pick eachother off, seems odd to me anybody know if theres any truth to this? Ill have to find my dream livestock list and post it.
I heard that that tank had a direct connection to the sea. That should explain the presence of these tough to keep corals.

I think most people wanting to have more carefully thought layouts should try to learn some things from the guys that put together those beautifull freshwater planted tanks.
Trigger-Yea, again, Im really not sure how exactly they work, its not something Ive really looked into. If it comes down to it, I do work with Haunted Attractions and have been working with and building animatronics for a number of years, if it really came down to it I could drive it with pneumatics.

Ardeus-Agreed, I started with freshwater and at one time had a really nice planted tank, but the draw of the reef was too powerful. I also like planted saltwater tanks, great for seahorses and pipefish, would love to put one together, but its not on the top of my project list. I need to build this reef first, then I can put together the non-photosynthetic setup Ive had on the back burner for even longer than this one. Then I need to decide between SPS or a kriesel, aww Hell, maybe Ill just do both.
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Ah I found it, my dream livestock list. Nothing here is set in stone, some things Im not even sure I could keep:
Blue Hippo Tang
Chevron Tang
Purple Tang
Sailfin Tang
Pair Blue Throat Triggers
Pair Occelaris Clowns
Pair Onyx Clowns
School Chromis (30)
School Firefish (5-7)
School Anthias (3-6) I like purple queens but I dunno
Pink Spot Goby
Green Mandarin
Spotted Mandarin
Midas Blenny
Six Line Wrasse
Assorted Gobies, I like small fish that just kinda pop out of nowhere.
Then comes the Angel/s, I would love to keep a regal, but I understand that it isnt reef safe and will likely have a zoanthid buffet, man Id still like one though. Assuming I dont get a regal Id like a flame and a coral beauty, Id hope they can get along in a 900 gallon tank. Im also interested in fairy wrasses, but dont know how compatible with other fish. Honestly my knowledge of fish is pretty limited, Ive always been more interested in corals. I have, however, always had luck with them, never losing one unless there was a freak accident (carpet surfing clown, six line wrasse snaked his way through my system to my return pump, heater in quarantine broke...fish stew). Ive never had any illness in my tank. Should I be beefing this list up alot? Doesnt seem like much for a huge system.
SCWD and Koralia in a tank that size? I would look into tunzes and other high output powerhead. I had 3 koralia 4 in a 3x2x2 tank and it wasn't much.
You will probably have a better change with the Regal Angel especially a red sea speciman than you will with a Coral Beauty or a Flame. My pair of red sea regals never touched a coral and I keep pretty much a little of everything.
Raskal-Heres the thing, I hate Tunze....There I said it. I think theyre way overpriced, waaayyy overpriced. I, as a DIYer, filled with pride, cannot spend 140$ on a powerhead, cant do it. Their most expensive at 450$ pushes 5200gph at 55watts. For 300$ I can have six Koralia 4's pushing a combined 7200gph at 54watts. Not to mention instead of having one pump blowing from one direction I have six different pumps that can be placed on a wavemaker (Is it Seio that never turns them off?). Then I say SCWD and its like I murdered Jesus. Im going to have 3000gph of return, this is just extra flow that I would have no real use for. So I might as well split the return once, then hook each split pipe to an SCWD which will split it again into 4 returns. They will be plumbed into the back wall at the bottom, run through locline to eductors and pointed under my liverock to help prevent detritus from settling in a place I wont be able to reach. Has nothing to do with providing flow for my corals, just seems like an efficient way to utilize incidental waterflow. If it comes down to it, and Im not happy with the flow Im getting from my Koralias and surge boxes, Ill bite the bullet and buy two tunze streams, but I wont like it one bit. Right now I plan to have 9 koralias mounted up top angled down and another 5 or 6 to be placed in the rockwork. Again, just rough Idea, powerheads are the least of my concern and can always be added, taken away or changed.
Trigger thats exactly what I would like to hear, the Regal is probably my favorite fish (Red Sea only). Thing is I heard alot of stories of them munching on zoos, and if it nibbles my PPEs I will have no choice but to harpoon it. Ive kept both flames and cb's and neither of them bothered my corals.
what everyone is trying to say is that an scwd cannot handlle that much gph. this is the scwd you are talking about?
a much better option would be to use an oceans motions 4 way
its able to handle more gph then the scwd. also about the korilas they don't push water far is the problem. there will be dead spots in the middle of your tank because the flow is nt going to go that far. the tunzes can push the water alot father. have you seen vortecs? they are another type of powerhead you could consider for your tank.
the new wireless ones can interact with eachother and be used as waveboxes and powerheads as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10911731#post10911731 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jamokie01
Trigger thats exactly what I would like to hear, the Regal is probably my favorite fish (Red Sea only). Thing is I heard alot of stories of them munching on zoos, and if it nibbles my PPEs I will have no choice but to harpoon it. Ive kept both flames and cb's and neither of them bothered my corals.

I havealso found that if angel do nibble they generally don't mess with Palyathoa's like the PPE's they tend to go after the smaller true Zoas.
Purebullet-3000gph at 3' of head is going to be about 2600-2700, split that in half and take another 50-100 off and your getting between 1200-1300gph per SCWD which it can handle. The SCWDs arent even necessary, I just think they will help reduce dead pockets for detritus to sit. The Koralia 4 moves the leather on the opposite side of my 4' long tank, why wont it reach the 32" bottom of the tank Im planning? Vortechs are more expensive and Im not putting anything on my glass and actually dont want anything within 6" of it, good suggestion though. Again, I really dont care about the powerheads right now, they arent a permanent fixture and can easily be switched out.
Oooo actually though, The vortechs wouldnt be bad for the back wall, I wonder how think of a material they work through?
currently the Vortechs just go up to 3/4" but as I understand it, they are working on a model that will be suited for thicker glass. Just don't know when.

BTW, I use light movers on my system and am very happy with them. So are my corals, but I am also using 1000W SE lamps.
I wouldn't expect the Vortechs for 1" tanks anytime soon. Anytime anyone asks about them they pretty much have no comment so I think that they haven't even started working it yet since their main focus was on the controller and Battery Backup. I would guess that it will be another year before we see anything.
probably true. I don't have to worry about it and I wonder how many people with 1" thick acrylic are really going to be in the market for Vortechs. With my system, I am using them, but I will need quite a few of them as my reef progresses.
Yea I figured they wouldnt work on such a thick wall. So far my biggest Issues are lighting, flow, and skimmer, not too bad for being a year in advance. Honestly Im still considering T-5s, it would take about 16 overdriven 100 watt T-5s to cover the tank. Id be using the same wattage as halides and I think it may cover better. Not to mention I could really fine tune the color temp with that many bulbs. I wouldnt have as much heat and light movers wouldnt be necessary. Any suggestions guys? T-5s or Halides, other pros and cons?