9020 vs 9440


New member
I´m a very satisfied customer from Tunze, since I ever started with Marine aquariums...

Now I have two skimmers for my 500gal system. One is the Master 9440 and the second and Backup is the 9020.

The issue here is that after start using the 9440, the 9020 do not produce any foam anymore... ther eis no skimmate.
Is that what is suppose to happen ?

Best regards.
Yes, it would be like having a hybrid car with a 5hp lawnmower engine and a 80hp electric motor, the electric motor is so much stronger it is like the small gas engine isn't even there. The 9440 is about 3 times the performance of the 9020 and the 9020 cannot compete, there is nothing left for it to skim.