9210 Classic DOC Skimmer

I just picked up what apears to be an 9210 DOC skimmer or an older version. The motor block that is with the unit is a 235.02 which apears to have been replaced with the 9010.40 motor. My question is what impellar assembly will fit the old 235.02 motor. The impeller assembly in the one i have is shot.

you asistance is greatly appreciated!!

A 0235.020 pump would be from an older 230/2 or even a 230. The drive unit is part 3000.500, the impeller blades are part 0235.120. This skimmer would be at least 9 years old, we quit making this pump in September 2000. Does it still hum or make some effort to move? These pumps tended to be very durable so if it does make some effort to move I would just replace the drive unit and the impeller blades.