
They are new, the redesigned skimmers that come out at the end of December will have the filter bags and a new more efficient pump. You can retrofit the bag on older skimmers but we won't have them until next year. It is just a better bubble trap that provides filtration and carbon and media can be placed in the socks as well so the skimmer is a complete filter.
Roger -

I don't suppose there is any trade in program on the pump? I was one of the early purchasers of the 9420 (over a year ago) and have just unboxed it. It would be nice piece of mind to know my brand new skimmer has the latest pump on it. I'm a little concerned about the impeller as well. I recall hearing of some issues with the first few models out to the U.S. (?)
Much appreciated Roger. Your service factored heavily in my decision to purchase the skimmer and all the Streams that I did. I'm not in a huge hurry to have the skimmer running. It may be another month or two before I really need it; do you expect to have the new pumps by then?
Yes, we have some pumps en route already but just a handful that are spoken for already.
Ok, I'll check back in later unless I hear from you first. Hopefully we'll be able to buy these pumps in the US soon as I would like to add the 2nd pump at some point.
We got 20 of them last week but they have all gone out for replacing old pumps, Marine Depot was the only exception, they got 2 pumps for resale.
I was one of the lucky guys that got some of the first 20 pumps and I have been running them over the last week. They are THE BOMB! Quiet is exactly what they are and I actually think they pack a little more punch than the first gen pumps. My skimmate is just a touch more moist which is a good thing in my opinion as I am not having as much crud accumulate in the neck of the collection cup.
Instead, I am having better accumulation in the collection cup. Overall, I believe this to be an excellent retrofit/upgrade.

Bottom line is hang in there. Roger and the boys in Austin are working to get the new product out just as fast as it comes in from the production facitlity. The new pumps make the Master DOC skimmer a truly excellent product-Quiet, plug and play setup, and high efficiency. I can't say enough good things about them. The old pumps were annoying. Not so with the SILENCE pumps.

Good work fellas!

Thanks for the update guys. If I run my original pump will it still qualify for trade in? I have it sitting on my desk next to me and my tank is now full of live rock. It's going to take a while to cycle but I'd like to start skimming as soon as possible. Any idea when the next batch of pumps will arrive?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14154844#post14154844 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
Yes, I should get more pumps next week.

In that case, can I send back my pump now? Where do I need to send it?
Which pump

Which pump

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14154110#post14154110 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cmm1970
I was one of the lucky guys that got some of the first 20 pumps and I have been running them over the last week. They are THE BOMB! Quiet is exactly what they are and I actually think they pack a little more punch than the first gen pumps. My skimmate is just a touch more moist which is a good thing in my opinion as I am not having as much crud accumulate in the neck of the collection cup.
Instead, I am having better accumulation in the collection cup. Overall, I believe this to be an excellent retrofit/upgrade.

Bottom line is hang in there. Roger and the boys in Austin are working to get the new product out just as fast as it comes in from the production facitlity. The new pumps make the Master DOC skimmer a truly excellent product-Quiet, plug and play setup, and high efficiency. I can't say enough good things about them. The old pumps were annoying. Not so with the SILENCE pumps. I take it that you have the 9440 skimmer and did you get the 9420 pump do you know the difference between the 9420 and the 9400 pump. Also have you ran a Dwyer on the skimmer yet. When you said that the skimmer is not now building up the neck with crude, just how was it working before? did you get a lot of skimmate or just build up of crude in the neck. Thanks in advance

Good work fellas!

Yes, I have a 9440 skimmer.

No, I don't know the difference in the model numbers you stated. It is my understanding, and I could easily be wrong, that the Silence Pump is the same for the 9420, 9440, and 9460 models.

I don't know what a Dwyer is so I don't know how to answer your followup on that.

Concerning skimmate...PRE SILENCE PUMP-I did get buildup in the neck along with skimmate in the cup. Now, using the new SILENCE PUMPS, less neck buildup and more skimmate in the cup. The difference is not tremendously remarkable and in all honesty, probably does not need to bear a lot of attention.