A few general questions

Probably a fresh bite?? Maybe. I'd be eying the only other fish you have he may your nipper. Or it is possible you have some sort of unwanted hitchhiker in your live rock?? Some sort of crab maybe but I'd blame the fox face first.
I figured maybe he clipped it on the pump intake. I converted a maxi jet into one, so that w
Was my guess, but I'll keep an eye on my other guy, the CB still tries to pick on him occasionally
:sad2: Checking the CB this morning, I can see some dreaded white spots. I've been watching him all morning, to try and catch him scratching to confirm, but he has not yet.

So I guess It's time to go get a QT and dose with copper. Does raising the temp to 85F+ kill it in the DT?

Edit :

You know, scratch that. I'm not sure it's ich. He had 3~4 spots and now he only has one. I'll try to dose his food with garlic and get another shrimp.
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From what i understand shrimp and inverts cannot get ich. Thats fish only. 85 is too high imo highest I would go and not worry would be 82 ish. But never have went above that. Why would you want to raise temp? btw copper will kill all inverts.
When you move everyone to a QT you raise DT to 85, or so I was reading. I guess at that temp ich cannot reproduce.
I think that will do nothing but possibly increase the metabolism of parasite and fish. That may be the cure some have seen. Also I was thinking you were raising temp for a everyday temp lol. Imo copper in the qt would be all you need.
oh (: Yea I don't have any inverts anymore. And I'm still not convinced it's ich. No itching, no appetite loss, just the 1 dot on the 1 fish.
I haven't. I'm still banging my head on the wall with my grant money for college. Once that comes it, it will be lights, sump, ATO, skimmer and then RO/DI if I have leftover.
And I don't see white today. I guess it's not quite breakfast because they won't let me get a good look at them, but with the CB it should be super easy to see since he's such a dark fish.
Wow lots going on. Don't rush the purchase take your time and make sure you get the best deal on the exact fixture you want. I would personally go with a good quality skimmer before the lights. ATO would be last on my list as it is a convenience not a necessity.

If it is ich, as long as the fish continues to eat usually they will pull thru but quarantining him would be the best. You will have to keep an eye out for ich on the other fish.
Yea everyone's eating just fine. The spot seems to be gone. I picked up some garlic earlier today and soaked some pellets and they ate those things right up, which is good because until then It was looking like I had just wasted 20$ on flakes and pellets.

And as for the new stuff, I haven't rushed anything. Still waiting on the school to sort out forms, so I'll be lucky to have the money end of the month. The only reason I have sort of prioritized the ATO was because earlier in the year I messed up my wrist pretty good and dealing with the water is really starting to flare things up. But I am looking at light>sump>skimmer>ATO>RO/DI. I should be able to squeeze that all in.

And enjoy your wedding! (:
Yea everyone's alive. The Beauty's tail is almost all the way back, but it does look like the foxface is picking on him, a few of his scales seems gone up by his back.
Yea. I'm debating with my roommate over a pistol/goby combo or a Lawnmower blenny. He wants the pistol/goby and I want the Blenny. We had agreed on the goby pair initially and he really had his heart set on it, but I was afraid the angelfish would eat the shrimp. Only to my surprise I had seen posts from people complaining the pistol shrimp killed their angel.

So now I'm leaning towards a blenny, and he won't budge.