A few general questions

2 Questions:

#1: Thinking about a Tux. Urchin. Any opinions? Think my system can support it?

#2: Looking at Kent Marine Essential Elements, and one of the ingredients in it is copper? Doesn't that kill inverts?
Tux would be the smaller choice of urchins. There are down sides to them. Like they will pick up anything lose and carry it on their back. Snail, coral frags not secured really anything they can use for camouflage. but for the most part they are great. you may have to get some nori to feed it if you don't have enough algae in your system. Beside adding some algae for them they really are easy to keep.

I've never used that chemical you are describing but as far as I know copper is lethal to all inverts. I personally don't recommend adding chemicals to your tank except for a select few. I believe most are snake oil and there is no oversight on them so they can claim whatever they want. I never really used anything other than calcium and magnesium supplements. I also wouldn't dose anything you can not measure with a test kit. So if you decide to use it my best advice would be to make sure you research it very well before adding it to your system.
IMO you don't need to dose anything if you don't have corals. Water changes should restore any lost elements. I only dose calcium, and vitamins on occasion. Also if you can't test for it don't dose it... Those urchins are cool but if you plan on corals he will **** you off lol.. They collect a bunch of stuff on them including snails and corals unless of course they are mounted good..
Seems people like the essential elements. I guess if u were not doing water changes that would be cool to dose sparingly like 1/2 the recommended dose.
Yea I haven't bothered dosing yet, but if I end up getting some corals next month I will start. So I was just sort of looking around and thought "huh. that doesn't seem right."
Here is reef inhabitant #3!
I went to Fish n Phipps to pick up some clowns. Ray thought he had some, but the only ones left were a tomato pair and a domino pair. So i saw this little guy out of the corner of my eye and wanted him (:

He has taken over my Mag5 pump I have sitting in the tank (for lack of anywhere to put it) turned off for plumbing reasons.


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The light works fantastic. And the Blenny has been eating really well, which is good. He won't touch the hair algae though, but at least he can't keep up with the film algae on the glass. He completely disappears until about noon which scares the heck outta me every morning. I cannot find him.
It is, but I need to get the stuff to dose (and probably some new salt since mine is all crusted up) and some stuff to hang the light with. Currently it's just sitting on blocks in the back.
Oh (: Someone warned me that it had become calcium carbonate if it hardened. 'Course I do need salt anyhow, since I have Aqua life reef crystals, and the mix only goes up to 1.031-1.032, or that's what it says on the side of the bucket.
I'm sure some parameters might change slightly but I doubt you will notice it. I don't believe it becomes calcium carbonate rather will loses some of it calcium and akl properties. I'm certainly no chemist. I can say you will always encounter this problem because everytime you open your bucket or bag it will absorb some amount of moisture. I recommend purchasing a bucket with a sealed screw type lid to help prevent this but it will happen eventually. I've used it with no negative affects and your calcium levels are not extremely important to your system because you have no coral. It is only fish. Dissolve it in ro water and make sure it dissolves completely and you probably will not have any issues. I'm sure it might also depend on how bad it is. I always get a crusty top to my buckets but it is never very deep.
Ah yea, mine crusted all the way down. I ended up taking a knitting needle and hammering it down into the sides and breaking it down.
B-ionc 2 part or Bulk reef supply 2 part. Bulk Reef Supply is the cheaper and you get quality product. I've used both and had good success with both.