A few questions about freshwater dip


New member
Ok I will be receiving some new fish in a couple of days and want to do a fw dip for all of them while they are in the qtank. I was just wondering what is all necessary to do a fw dip. I know you need about a gallon of rodi water, a heater, air stone. When you need to raise the ph of the freshwater do you need to get a ph buffer for freshwater or can u use the same stuff for salt water. Also in order to measure the ph of the fw do you need a ph test for fw or not. Also another question I have is how do you tell that the fish is doing ok in the dip. How should it act and how do you know if you did something wrong and need to take it out of the dip.

I think you are overthinking things. A FW dip should really not be more than a few minutes. During that time, your fish will be temporarily stressed anyway, but then it will go right into QT. There's no need to adjust KH or pH, you won't have ANY buffering in the RO/DI water anyway.
E, you don't need a heater, airstone etc. You will only be dipping the fish for about three minutes. Don't go over five. You can tell if the fish is OK if it is staying upright. If it lays down or starts swimming jerkilly around or keeps trying to jump out, get it out of there asap and put it back in salt water. To adjust the pH I just use a pinch of baking soda but you should test it with a saltwater test kit. A freshwater kit may not read high enough.
Also while I sometimes do a dip, if the fish has any paracites in it's gills, the fresh water dip will have no effect.
Ok well I have heard that bringing your ph up is one of the big factors when doing a fw dip. Also that some people leave their fish in it for up to 10 or 15 min. What time amount would you recommend for a fw dip?
Ok thanks Paul that is what I wanted to hear. So just add some baking soda to bring up the ph and thats it. Dont do anything else.
You shouls raise the ph because the fish is already in shock because of fw and ph too would make it worse. I add an airstone and leave the fish in until it starts going crazy.
E, Thats it. I don't know if I would leave it in until it goes crazy but thats up to you.