A few things to consider about reekeeping..


Notorious Reeferus
Hello friends,

It has been a while since I've posted, but in lieu of my return I decided to set forth some ideas/logic behind the fascination of reekeeping. I've stayed tuned into the community here and there, and am merely here to exercise my freedom to express a concern, likewise shed some hopeful light to those who are perhaps becoming frustrated.. We all see those great Tank of the Months on the Home page, and I would like to express how to achieve such a marvel. All of these hobbyists I'm sure along with myself, have experienced and practiced the following points.

I have decided to simply share a point presentation of tendencies and simple "logic" to approaching any situation. I would love for any/all of you to share some insight and wisdom through your respective eye.

Before you read into the list, it is always best to set a constant variable in this "algorithm" if you will. This being that none should be perceived as any criticism or fabrication (if the thought comes up).

1. Reefkeeping, and the maintenance of a sustainable, thriving aquatic community at that, requires a certain knowledge of Science. In consideration of the former, always see the great triad (Physics, Chemistry, Biology).
One can have the means to purchase all of the most expensive and advanced equipment but it amounts to nothing if there is no understanding of the function and necessity of these components in the entire cycle of what is an aquatic world. We try our hardest to mimic the natural effects of nature in a reef environment (and with this, think of the endless possibilities in just a small chunk of a natural reef, of which is theoretically an aquarium!). There is always going to be something that happens.. and it's the joy that we encounter with these incidences, and knowledge acquired thereof which will help build our personal experience and intelligence in dealing with these circumstances .
With that, if you are asking a question or merely analyzing the situation- the more information the better! Consider it like a CSI crime scene, and there are just too many variables that come into play to consider the most obvious, albeit more often than not the most obvious factors tend to be the answer that clouded our judgment!

Action- Reaction, Reaction- Action. Product-byproduct, byproduct- Product. What's good for one thing, is bad for the other, what's bad for one thing may be good for the other"

2. "Well, from what I read it seems like it would be best for me not to get several tangs in a 37gal tank. But.. why not, maybe these people just weren't taking proper care of their fish."
A response to that form of situation, of which we can invert into endless situations by merely plugging in the proper variables, points to a simple beginning. If you are reading why not to keep a tang or several in a certain size tank points to the notion that you were already told not to do so. This is collective, studied, and repeated information. Your attempt to further exaggerate a perceived desire will do nothing more than just that... keeping reef aquariums isn't because I want this. The question to ask is always, "How can I keep this inhabitant happy in here, to prolong its life and deliver an equal if not better life than it would be offered in someone else' hands".. Sometimes, the choice you made to purchase thisinhabitant given certain variables in tank parameters will not work with that which you are attempting to do now (better said, that which you are desiring). If your tank is a predatory tank and you decide to offer a helpless community fish in the very unlikely chance that you have somehow shifted the laws of nature for your own benefit, you will more than likely be very unsatisfied..and you destroyed life by doing so.

3. "You mean to tell me that by staring at my tank I can actually also solve any and every mystery about what's happening?
Yes! Yes you can, and as funny as that statement comes off.. think twice about it.. for every coin toss is the possibility of three. A 50/50, and a very, very rare third (pictured literally- the coin on it's edge, metaphorically- the anomaly).
With this in mind, if you see a small Emerald/Mithrax crab collecting food from a certain location, agitating a colony of polyps- observe.
A (First half). Perhaps this crab is merely eating some debris. The polyps are agitated and they have closed up, making you showing off your tank in full bloom slightly skewed to your friend you want to impress. Just happened, was a chance, no biggy! Pretty cool spectacle... ahh nature.
B.(Second half)This may be something repetitive, for all we know: there is a small current from your Tunze that is pushing food from the top left corner of your tank.. If this keeps up, the crab may tend to collect that food in that location and continue harassing the polyps, making their potential feed time from either the water column or sunlight slightly diminished (as well as the potential of overall stress from physical agitation and a potential atrophy of the given polyp).
C.(Third) Your Mithrax crab is truly the reincarnation of the legendary Mithrax "Olios" that has come to claim it's rightful situation in the hierarchy of the reefing kingdom, and finds the Polyps to be a nuisance to the neighboring Alveopora and decides to intervene for the prolongation of the slowly diminishing Alveopora... (and from there we must question the circumstance of the Alveopora.. yet another damned sequence).
As the last is truly merely a humorous circumstance (and by all means credible at the least that we are able to even perceive such a situation) it nevertheless stresses the urgency of your mind to adapt to the notion that many things are possible, and that a single action can be based off of many triggers, likewise promote reaction(s) that will only lead you to further speculation in "what the heck is going on?".

So from there... what do you do? That is our option, and the result we achieve. Whether this can be then applied universally is a matter of our own perception of the situation, as well as the never ending cascade of problems we face, all with their own unique variables. My favorite personal phrase ever Too many variables...

All in all, that cycle is thus the beauty of keeping an aquarium. The practice in full speculation of the most minute doings within your aquarium is what us reefers do, and do best. The repetition of observing, identifying these matters, applying a remedy if needed and then monitoring for an outcome is the entire ladder. Many of which we will climb, many of which we at some point will either jump off from from sheer lethargy, or jump ahead in hopes of grappling the top of the wall (in which thus such a frenzy of work will give dismal results surely). So to simplify my metaphoric imagery Patience is a virtue, and taking the time to be diligent is key .

4.But _____ did this and received great results!
Re read the previous post. Again, all our input and our personal outcomes are great achievements and can also be great disappointments. The community here is merely the chance to share a "problem" amidst a collective mind of individuals who under their own personal observations, trials, perceptions and realizations can feed into a possible answer.. Thus leaving you in more questioning.. Where we will most likely end up taking the one answer that is repeated (cumulative).... I will twist you further in tossing in the "chance" that just one of those individuals happened to have the best means of a resort (outlandish and farfetched coming as it may be perceived) and is seldom taken... So therein we have risk.. And I feel we are all willing to take great risks.. But just don't be upset that you are slimmer in your wallet, or your stress hormones have indulged in your body from your loss... With that, the only thing you should always be worried about is Did I take the best path suitable for the prolongation of this/these inhabitants life/lives or did I merely jump to a conclusion in hope of expediting the means of having to even do anything in the first place?

5. In setting up a Reef or Aquarium of any sort, always factor in the fact that you basically license yourself to care for something that may ultimately have an infinite lifespan
What this means is that any aquarium we set up will be just like an earth. It's own world. What we put in, will be what we get out. At the same time, we may go through cycle of death and reintroductions of new species. However long the physical existence of our tank lasts, is as long as we will keep it. As long as we continue to take care of the tank, the tank exists...regardless its status. Electricity runs the entire system mechanically, we deliver nutrition through these mediums as well as ourselves, we observe and remedy any and all situations to our own course, we as humans play "God" if you will- to an aquatic community. If we are to play "God", which is what we basically do in a perspective, than we should act as one...

1. Always consider the WELL BEING of every inhabitant. Consider whatever you purchase as something that must live endlessly if ever possible (and only we are truly one's to say that is impossible).
2. Always consider everything for THE LONG RUN.
3. At any point we may decide to DESTROY the LIFE WE HAVE SO EAGERLY TRIED TO PRESERVE.
4. At any point we may decide to PRESERVE whatever LIFE WE HAVE SO EAGERLY ALSO DESTROYED.
5. To continue an action with unsuccessful results is only one of two things:
A. The incompetency of learning a mistake.
B. The competency of trying to learn a mistake that wasn't learned the first, second, or third time.. and so on.................... nevertheless returning to the incompetency of learning a mistake. (and thus phrased in a way to merely express that by making a mistake we do not necessarily fall into the category of incompetency but rather the way we naturally feel for not having "swished your first ball you ever threw into the hoop".
6. Never, never, never, get into this hobby just because "it looks cool".This falls into every category of everything ever in life. Be ready to dedicate yourself to something that really needs ALL THE ATTENTION YOU CAN GIVE IT.. and at that, it still may never be enough. Gear, electronics, systems can all be crafted to deliver the most precise automated actions of a "synthetic" construction for a very natural process, however just as you play "God" in the overseeing of the fish community, so you also play "God" in the creation of the very system that keeps the whole alive.

The key is to balance these many functions to perfect a synchronization that will be able to deliver appropriate necessities at the same time maintaining the possibilities of doing so!

I will cease here.. I hope I started a thread for us all to put on our "psychological, philosophical reefing hats".. for truly these things apply to ALL THINGS IN LIFE. .... and who knows, by learning to maintain such an aquatic environment to suit our inhabitants needs perhaps we may slowly instill these morals and values into the very world we live in... eh?

Reflections of ourselves through a microscopic view.

I look forward to comments and anyone wanting to add any values and insight!

Love and Light,

The Dude
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Great read and very informative for newly introduced hobbyists. Sadly, the people that could benefit the most from a post like this don't ever end up on message boards, let alone research often enough.

Thanks for the write up though. It's comforting to see logical and sustainable mindsets.
You forgot:

Reef keeping can actually help you if you are going into healthcare or medicine.

Seriously, by the time we got to Blood gasses and metabolites, I was able to understand and comprehend about 10x faster than the rest of the class because I already had a understanding of acid/base and oxygen diffusion.

If you think of a reef tank like the human body, the intake and release of gasses is like the respiratory system and the rest is metabolic. Pretty wildly similar actually.
I have actually felt some of these things lately as I have had a slew of changes and problems happening to my 2 yr old 300 gallon mixed reef tank. I am committed to doing the best for my animals. I work as a pharmacist and studied chemistry and biology although years ago and don't know how people do this hobby without understanding chemistry. I actually have loved the refresher to chemistry my tank has given me. I do like the reference to being like a God to the inhabitants and where as it sounds egotistical to like being a god it really serves as a reminder of the long-term responsibility I have to my inhabitants. What if God decided to let my atmosphere turn into a toxic cesspool of all CO2 and Nitogen and I could no longer get enough oxygen or the sun quit shining everyday or the sun changed wattage and just wasn't enough to grow the plants that the cow eats so I can eat the cow and LIVE(great). I have an ecosystem that is relying on me to manage their unseen parameters. Wew!

Nice to have this post as a guide to remember the responsibility of reef keeping. Also a warning to newbies the work and time and commitment the hobby is. I look at my inhabitants everyday but never as a passive observer that's for the guests of my home. My frequent guest know how much work it is because whenever they drop by I am doing something with the "Tank."

I am amazed by the tanks of the month and in awe of their beauty mostly because I can just passively observe these tanks and know what it takes to create such an ecosystem.

Thanks for the grounding through philosophy lebowski
Thanks guys!

Sugar Magnolia- Likewise! I'm glad to be back on the boards.

Bent- Yes! Nice point. Reefkeeping can definitely help "open" your understanding of the sciences and would certainly apply to medical fields, etc.

In lieu of that, it is also just a great way to consider our own personal lives in reefkeeping. Imagine us living in a great aquarium. How do we go about taking care of the world together? This in conjunction with Kilze1- consider your position (and in respect to your outlook on my "God" reference, I wouldn't find it too egotistical at all- for the term God implies many things, but nothing pertaining to "ego". :)).

Thanks for the replies and for enjoying my read. I was looking for some more intuitive reflections. Indeed, it would be nice if all hobbyists knew about the existence of Reef Central. Quite a great community we have eh? :)