New member
I would like to present here, and my pelvis once.
First, I must say that my English is not very good and I work with a translation program.
By chance I came across this site and am deeply impressed by this forum.
We come now to me.
My name is Sven, I'm from the north of Germany and am 44 years old.
Work I do in a penal institution for young people.
Here I have several aquariums where Malawiebarsche are grown.
Private I want to cm home a sea water pool with dimensions 180x85x70. Since June 2010
The technology pool holds 200 liters.
These basins I zusammengestellt.die of 2x 120x50x60 cm tank since January 2009 were with me.
To technology, I use a Tunze skimmer brand Model 9021
HP is a Deltec pump stufenregulierbar. to 4500 liters.
The flow pump I use 2x Tunte 6100 with 12,000 liters each, and a Tunze 6080 with 8000 liters.
Light Aqua Medic is a hanging lamp with 2 x 250 Watt HQI 14 000 kelvin and 2x 54 Watt T5.
The pools are about 80 kg of live rock, 10kg sand and 30kg Life coral sand.
LPS to some diverse styles are available.
SPS currently do not really know because I still struggle with the PO4 value.
Other inhabitants are a few sea fans, tube coral.
There are also some hermit, a few harlekinganelen, 3 cleaner shrimp, a crab angle.
A pair of fish anemone fish, a couple are Mandarin fish
different doctors and a dwarf lionfish present.
I look forward to a great exchange on this hobby with you.
I will be happy to provide photos soon but it will take at least 2 weeks, as tomorrow I fly on vacation.
I would like to present here, and my pelvis once.
First, I must say that my English is not very good and I work with a translation program.
By chance I came across this site and am deeply impressed by this forum.
We come now to me.
My name is Sven, I'm from the north of Germany and am 44 years old.
Work I do in a penal institution for young people.
Here I have several aquariums where Malawiebarsche are grown.
Private I want to cm home a sea water pool with dimensions 180x85x70. Since June 2010
The technology pool holds 200 liters.
These basins I zusammengestellt.die of 2x 120x50x60 cm tank since January 2009 were with me.
To technology, I use a Tunze skimmer brand Model 9021
HP is a Deltec pump stufenregulierbar. to 4500 liters.
The flow pump I use 2x Tunte 6100 with 12,000 liters each, and a Tunze 6080 with 8000 liters.
Light Aqua Medic is a hanging lamp with 2 x 250 Watt HQI 14 000 kelvin and 2x 54 Watt T5.
The pools are about 80 kg of live rock, 10kg sand and 30kg Life coral sand.
LPS to some diverse styles are available.
SPS currently do not really know because I still struggle with the PO4 value.
Other inhabitants are a few sea fans, tube coral.
There are also some hermit, a few harlekinganelen, 3 cleaner shrimp, a crab angle.
A pair of fish anemone fish, a couple are Mandarin fish
different doctors and a dwarf lionfish present.
I look forward to a great exchange on this hobby with you.
I will be happy to provide photos soon but it will take at least 2 weeks, as tomorrow I fly on vacation.