Anything new happening with the tank?
Thanks for asking. There have been a lot of ups and downs. My new business has really picked up which is good and bad. Bad because I have less time to dink around with the tank. Working 6-7 days a week now.
I'll be heading to Australia in Oct. Diving on the GBR! That's part of the reason I'm working nonstop to make some commitments to clients.
I'm doing a little maintenance today. 10 mile run this morning to keep my wife happy. Doesn't help with my energy levels! Slam some more coffee and drive on...
Some of the recent challenges:
-SPS are hanging in there but not happy. I watch chemistry closely and have tried adjusting the Radions for intensity and duration. Couldn't hit that magic solution.
-based on other hobbyists input, I was chasing nitrate and phosphate levels. They were undetectable since I started the tank. I've had zero problems with nuisance algae in the display.
-I started trying boosting nitrate to levels recommended by some local "œexperts". Guess what followed? Algae explosion I'm battling now.
-I finally got fed up trying to force the Radions to work with my SPS. I tried them for over two years. I know they work for some people, but I just can't get things set right. No matter what I tried, I couldn't keep anything blue? Cali and Oregon Torts are probably my favorite and I just couldn't get them to survive under LED. Reds loved it! I'm sure there's user error there, but I've lost the mental energy to fight spectrum settings any longer. So, ordered x4 250watt MH. Radion 14k bulbs. Had to rework my T5-HO a little to fit in the new fixtures. I now have x10 48" T5-HO bulbs over the display along with the MH. Most coral did well with the transition. I did loose a Red Dragon and Ice and Fire Echinata. Otherwise, the SPS seems to be happier. I'm still slowly increasing the duration for MH. At about 4.5 hrs a day now. Probably won't go much more.
-had to supplement air flow to compensate for the heat from the MH. So far, that has worked well during the local heat wave. No chiller, which was my biggest concern. Bunch of fans controlled by the Apex and triggered by temp settings.
-Alk / Ca consumption went up drastically after MH which is a clear sign that something likes the new lights.
-The MH transition probably made the algae problem worse. I have a ton of growth on the substrate. That's my focus on cleaning up now. It's growing on the rock some which scares me more. I want to get it off the substrate so that the clowns can focus on where it matters.
-I have the following tangs in QT: Powder Blue, Clown, Naso, Orange Shoulder, Scopas. They're all pigs and I can't wait to get them in the display. The Blue is a jerk. He's in his own tank. The others are all getting along well. I introduce them mid September.
-Also working on boosting my CUC population.
-have a growing Anthia population with groups of Bimaculatus, Lyretail, and Bartletts
So, with all of the ups and downs, I'm returning to what worked for me in the past. I'm going to ignore all of the advise I have gotten from local "œexperts". I have the lighting combination I know works. Nothing much to adjust. I'll stay on top of the algae and make small adjustments as needed.