A great loss to our hobby


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RC Sponsor
Last night the founder of our company Norbert Tunze passed away. All of us in the Tunze company who had come to know this great and dynamic man will miss him very much. Norbert invented so many things in his life, from the first commercialy produced protein skimmers, to the conductivity meter, to the Osmoregulator. Norbert Tunze was 74 years old and lived a very full life, we will miss him very much and will continue to run the company in his honor and continue his record of great innovations.
Sorry to hear this Roger. From your writings about him he seemed like quite a man, and as long as he led a good full life, what else is there?
I only began using your products this year (stream 6110) but from the craftsmanship as well as the fine design I am sure I will be a customer of Tunze for many years.
His son Axel invented the Stream. Axel has run the company for the past ten years but Norbert was always a great source of inspiration for ideas. When we got stuck somewhere and were near to giving up Norbert had the solution. I appreciate your kind thoughts.
My condolences to the Tunze family. He made products built to last a lifetime!

The quality will definitely not be affected. We will just all have to work harder, Norbert had a wisdom which only comes with age and experience. Frequently, Axel, myself or Claude would have an idea and we just couldn't quite get it to work, or it worked but looked too amateur. We would give up, go have dinner with Norbert, discuss the idea. We would work until midnight trying to get the idea to work, then early the next morning Norbert was at Axel's desk with a working prototype. With experience a person develops a great deal of problem solving skills that just cannot be taught in school and this is what will be the greatest impact, it will just take us longer until we all become as old and wise.
Re: A great loss to our hobby

rvitko said:
Last night the founder of our company Norbert Tunze passed away.
I too note Norbert's passing with some sadness. Many years ago I had the pleasure of meeting him when he was in the US attending a pet related exposition in, I recollect, Boston. He, Julian Sprung and Julian's boss (at that time) John Burrelson were passing through NJ on their back way to MD and were kind enough to stop off at a meeting of the Windows to the Sea MAS and speak with us. I remember that only Norbert and the WTTS chairman were wearing suits and ties. He was quite the soft-spoken gentleman, and he was very impressive. I hope his attention to engineering, quality and detail have not passed on with him, and that they continue to inspire the company he left behind.

Bob D.