A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

Very nice tank, it will be a fun project to watch.

My X did the exact same shot as your wife/g-friend, but on the stand not in the tank :rollface: with my old 300g system.

Then when we got divorced, she used that pic on Match.com ROFL, what ever works I guess heheheh.

ok start ther danm tank. quiit obsessing on his mermaid :P

oh what ph do u keep her at? temp? salinity? are they an easy to care for species :P

ok i had to throew that in
how did you acclimate your mermaid? Did you quartine the mermaid afterward. :)

man, your lucky that your other half allows you to do tank before window treatments, a new bed room set, paint and all that good stuff. My tank project is last on the to do list but at least its there.
Well the wall is now ruined. Here are some construction pictures





More to come later.

The tank will be set up with an closed loop. I will be using a sequence hammerhead for the tank circulation. Inside, I will be using a Tunze multicontroller to drive 2 Turbelle Stream pump 6100's inside of two Deco Rocks all hooked up to the wavebox. Just like hanging out on the break!

I have a trigger system skimmer and an ATI 6" Reactor (> 650 Gallon Reactor).

Unfortunately, I was only able to afford a 1/3 HP flow thru Aqualogic chiller. I hope that this will be sufficient. I am also going to vent the fish room and put in a designated AC/dehumidifier unit. That alone should keep the room cool in the brutal Texas summer heat. (I hope).

(If I have to change it out because it gets so much use that it burns out, so be it. I will get a big raise next year that I should be able to drop the cash on a 1 HP unit).

For lighing, I'm using 4 400 watt halides (10K) ran off of 2 Sunlight supply Bluewave II with pulse start and integrated timers.

I want to plumb off a small grow out /quarantine tank.

I need to get some starboard.
Love the project pics! Also the Mermaid....Finally got my 6100's, although I'm 40th on the list for the new controllers. Sniff. Did I mention I liked the Mermaid? TeeHee...what type of ac/dehumidifier system are you going to use? Wouldn't a dehumidifier suck the water out of the tank? Just curious.
Tunze's are VERY expensive, but after I had an opportunity to see them in action........Man, it doesn't get any closer to nature than those puppies! If you haven't seen a wave produced by a Tunze controller, you haven't explored all of the possibilities of reefing. Who knows, with flow like that, my Mermaid may just pop right out of the tank to keep her hair from blowing all over :D
I was at Saltwater Paradise today, and saw some of Servo's corals. I figured I'd share a few pictures.


This coral is huge, larger than a cantaloupe. The clownfish is quite large.

I might need a frag of this one day. :D
Nice tank! I'll spare you the obligatory comment about the mermaid.

I'd been in Saltwater Paradise and eyed that red frogspawn for some time! If you ever get around to fragging it I'd love to get a piece!
Thanks for all of the feed back. My wife laughs with every post. She is wondering if she should have wore her bikini.

So, I've been kinda busy working 13 hour days trying to pay for this thing, any way. We had an inherent problem. As you can see by the lipping of the cement in the back of the garage, this creates an uneven surface. I was contemplating ways of rectifiying it. To put down durarock, cement or even plywood didn't seem like good options. If I sell the house in 10 years or so, I don't want to have to bust out a subfloor.


The solution was to install boards that were congruent to the support structure of the stand. If you look at the back you'll understand how it will match up.




The room will be framed in this Tuesday. I'll post more pictures when I get some time!
SERVO said:
Thanks for all of the feed back. My wife laughs with every post. She is wondering if she should have wore her bikini.

Im definitely checking back on this thread. :)

Also, I didnt realize how big your wall was after you put a person next to it. Cant wait to see the outcome.
Tank looks good mate.
Chiller will be most likely be inadequate, but with AC, sufficient height of lights above water, and a couple of fans, you might be ok.

I have a 1hp (Aquamedic) chiller, on a similar gallonage system with 5 400w mh(albeit they are only 6-8") above water level, and my chiller runs just about all day in summer. (Av temp here about 35 degrees) (a little under 100 farenheit i think?)
