Tesfeld, we have plenty of room to park the cars! If I ever get a third car, there is always the driveway and then the street! (Thanks Kent E!!!)
Cathy, I will post electric and plumming ASAP!!! Unfortunately, I don't have either finished. Both are being professionally done and I am waiting on them. The electric may be done next week?
Mrpet PM me if you want to talk to the guy that did the framing, I'll see what I can do to get you guys to communicate together. He is a professional carpenter and did a FANTASTIC JOB!!!!!
OK, so I have some updates;
Here is a close up of the hinge. It is simple and looks insufficient, however there is a 6 inch wood screw at the base that goes into a lateral support and through the beams into the wall. It is very stiff.
The room is finally mudded and ready for texture and paint!
Green board is up inside the room.
The neat thing about this picture is that you can see the plumming next to the tank. I will have my RO set up and a sink there. You can also see one of two vents that will be used for circulation. THe lower vent will be used to blow out the rising hot air from the chiller, while the upper vent (not pictured) will be used for circulation.
THis shows the upper vent and the left wall of the room.
The wall has been sprayed and textured and is awaiting the painter!!!!
Here is what the room looks like and how it takes up a two and 1/4 car garage!!! Again, it is textured and awaiting painting. You can see the insulation on the ground; of course the walls are filled with it.
I'll post more soon.
I am totally stoked, I just got an offer on my house in Columbus that I've had on the market since Nov of 2003!!! Now it will clear up a $1000 a month that I can use on the tank and not on an empty morgage!!!!!:rollface:

Thanks for all of the feedback!!!!