A little confused, Who here justifies this hobby?

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As for "fessing up", yeah, I keep my tank because it brings me enjoyment. I do everything I can to properly care for the animals I have taken charge of, and I believe that to be the minimum anyone keeping a tank should do.
As for saving the planet, I'm not getting sucked back into that.

Nobody has said it better.
no argument here with anyone but were a bit off track anyway . yes this place will freeze -burn-and do it all over again regardless of our existence . we may speed it up a few years but certainly we cannot stop it from happening .


The worlds experts say that if we can stabalise greenhouse gas emmisions we have a very good chance of stopping us going past the 2 degree of extra warming . But if we don't cut emmisions and go past 2 degrees of warming we will most likely trigger feedback mechanisms and see runaway warming which we have NO chance of stopping.

The science is saying we have between 10-20 years to stabalise green house gas emmisons.

Not long....
Rossini, did the "esperts" say how we do this. Did they say how we do it without destroying the economies of nations that depend on cheap abundant energy. Nations that, because of their economy, have the LUXURY to worry about things like global warming?

What do you think? Kill half the population and move into caves maybe? Just thinking out of the box.

Hey I know, how about solar energy? Oooh, wait, big problem. Seems like the energy it takes to mine the materials, manufacture, transport and install the solar panels is more than the panel will produce in its useful life.

Wind? Yeah, that's it. Darn, same problem, and the wind doesn't always blow.

Nuclear? Sounds good, oops, way too expensive.

Back to the cave idea I guess.
As soon as I saw;

I knew it would inspire something like:

Rossini, did the "esperts" say how we do this. Did they say how we do it without destroying the economies of nations that depend on cheap abundant energy. Nations that, because of their economy, have the LUXURY to worry about things like global warming?

What do you think? Kill half the population and move into caves maybe? Just thinking out of the box.

Hey I know, how about solar energy? Oooh, wait, big problem. Seems like the energy it takes to mine the materials, manufacture, transport and install the solar panels is more than the panel will produce in its useful life.

Wind? Yeah, that's it. Darn, same problem, and the wind doesn't always blow.

Nuclear? Sounds good, oops, way too expensive.

Back to the cave idea I guess.

Now, I have decided that this dead horse has been sufficiently beaten.

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