A Reef in the Sky

hi andrew looks like you may have overdosed on the iron or iodide supps which caused some browning, once your system is stable in 2-3 weeks you will have your colours back. one of the great things about zeo

one hting you mentioned about the higher alk, you will find when the coral is stressed (probably from the iron or iodide inexcess) they stop consuming alk to cal so then your demand is actually less so the higher input for the demand then stresses more acro out so they loose colour too. annoying.

one thing with zeo i have noticed it does not like changes but it does bounce back very quickly.
So is dosing iodide and iron a "Zeo-thing"?

I don't use the Zeo-method currently, and don't supplement anything that I don't test for (which means that I generally dose only Ca/Alk/Mg). I strive to replace any other supplements (i.e., iodide/iron) via my weekly water changes.

Also, I haven't noticed before, but did you just get some scolymias (or have you had these a while)?

As always... the tank is looking great.

Looking great, keep up the good work. After 10 years using metal halides I made the switch to t5 and me seem to like it. Why dont you use a phosphate reacter to immediately remove the phosphates.
Love the tank, it was the inspiration for my new 120 set up. At 2 months in, I'm vacuuming the sand bed during my weekly water changes with a standard vacuum, but it is a PIA regulating the siphon flow to gently tumble the sand. The Python looks interesting, but how do you measure how much water is removed if it goes straight down the sink? Do you mark the tank?
Awesome tank! Keep it up :)
Thanks very much :)

The good looks of this tank continues...

I forgot to ask: do you find that low iron glass (starfire/optiwhite/whatever brand) scratches easier than normal glass? I know you have had the tank for a good few months and you would have an idea by now...or maybe even a few scratches already if this type of glass scratches more easily than regular glass...

What do you use to clean the glass?
Thanks sahin... I too have read that many times. I personally haven't noticed anything different though I am careful cleaning the glass. Near the sand I use the Kent Marine blade, a slow process but does a great job.
This the brand of magnet I use... Magnet
I used the Tiger Shark version since the glass is 3/4" but it was too strong. Now I use the Hammerhead version (thanks to Shaggss) and it works better on the 3/4" glass IMO. Hope that helps :)

Such a great looking tank. Keep it up!
Thanks for following along Ryan. Will do

Thank you

hi andrew looks like you may have overdosed on the iron or iodide supps which caused some browning, once your system is stable in 2-3 weeks you will have your colours back. one of the great things about zeo

one thing you mentioned about the higher alk, you will find when the coral is stressed (probably from the iron or iodide inexcess) they stop consuming alk to cal so then your demand is actually less so the higher input for the demand then stresses more acro out so they loose colour too. annoying.

one thing with zeo i have noticed it does not like changes but it does bounce back very quickly.
Hi Ryan, I think you have hit the nail on the head with your statement. Do you have any references regarding this issue or did you experience something similar yourself?
Polyp extension on some corals have improved and it appears that the TN recession has stopped. Hopefully it will make a full recovery. Some other corals have burnt tips and will take some time too recover.

Alk dosing has stopped and with other maintenance chores, things are turning around. I reduced the dosing of Alk from 35ml per day to 20ml at the moment. Will reassess it next week.

So is dosing iodide and iron a "Zeo-thing"?

I don't use the Zeo-method currently, and don't supplement anything that I don't test for (which means that I generally dose only Ca/Alk/Mg). I strive to replace any other supplements (i.e., iodide/iron) via my weekly water changes.

Also, I haven't noticed before, but did you just get some scolymias (or have you had these a while)?

As always... the tank is looking great.

Hi Chad, yes they are supplements for the zeovit method. I was aware of the associated problems but just didn't realize how careful you have to be. And to make things worse, I made the mistake of starting to dose when I wasn't there to monitor.
Very true about not dosing what you can't test for. Anyhow, I have stopping now and am noticing improvements.

I've had those Scolymias from my previous tank. They seem to thrive in their new location at the end there due to the lower flow. Unfortunately the Gobies and found unturned sand in that area so I have to constantly use a 'turkey baster' to blow the sand off.

Looking good! The tank is looking better and better! :thumbsup:
Thanks Sonny... greatly appreciated your following along. I frequently check out your website and wish I could get some of those 'sexy' corals. Following along on your build too.

Your updates have slowed, you must have the new CoD Black Ops game? Very addicting :lmao:

Looking great, keep up the good work. After 10 years using metal halides I made the switch to t5 and me seem to like it. Why dont you use a phosphate reacter to immediately remove the phosphates.
Good to here and glad you like them. I have no experience with MH and only went with T5 as it seemed the best for my layout and looked great on a rimless tank.
A phosphate reactor is not recommended with the zeovit method.That the only reason why.

update please :-)
Sure, sorry for the delay. See below.

Love the tank, it was the inspiration for my new 120 set up. At 2 months in, I'm vacuuming the sand bed during my weekly water changes with a standard vacuum, but it is a PIA regulating the siphon flow to gently tumble the sand. The Python looks interesting, but how do you measure how much water is removed if it goes straight down the sink? Do you mark the tank?
Thanks very much... glad it has inspired you as many tanks on this site and around the world certainly inspired me.
Good to hear your vacuuming the sand. I once tried a regular vacuum on my old tank too but also had troubles with flow. The Python should solve this issue. Flow is great and can be adjusted be how much the water tap is turned on and you can see all the 'muck' and 'cloudly water' being sucked straight out of the tank without any of it entering the tank.

I just remove a certain amount of water until the water level in the display tank falls to a pre determined point. I have the return pump off and TUBV's closed during this process. I also use the Python to remove debris from the sump section.
Once I'm finished draining, I fill the sump up (overfill) and then open the TUBV's and turn on the return pump. It then levels itself out nicely. Hope that helps.

Looks amazing as always. Is it the picture or some of your corals are darkening? Where is the new video! can't wait...:inlove:
Thanks Ethan... yes some corals have darkened up due to the troubles I had in the month of October. Things are turning around again and will hopefully continue. Thanks for following along.


Firstly, sorry for my delays. The main reason is I was pre-occupied with a new computer game that was released last week. Yes, I am a kid at heart. Sunny will know what I mean, sorry though... I'm on the PS3 :uzi:

Anyhow, I did a large water change mid last week and plan on doing another one this Tuesday. I'm concentrating on keeping the water parameters stable during this process in order to give the corals a fighting chance.

The gobies have really stirred up the sand and the tank is still cloudy but is improving. The sand looks much better which I am pleased about. A lot of the dust settles in the sump so I am also vacuuming it out too during the water changes.

I am away at the moment but the corals appeared stable prior to me leaving.

I haven't started the video yet as I want to see what happens to the corals. No point in making a video with the corals not looking their best. Hopefully it will be done soon. There will be some pictures mid week... promise.
some more


Ok, i just spent a few hours reading this entire thread and have to say i'm totally blown away by the attention to detail and quality of your setup. But i have to ask if you ever ID'd the above colony. I have a colony that looks exactly like that and have never been able to get a positive ID on it.

Lastly, Black Ops player eh? I've been playing the MW series on the PS3's since they first came out. I think i still like MW2 more but the more i play Black Ops the more i'm starting to like it. I play with a few friends almost every night. You should jump on with us. :)
But i have to ask if you ever ID'd the above colony. I have a colony that looks exactly like that and have never been able to get a positive ID on it.

Without seeing the full colony, it would be hard to be sure, but, with the multiple axials at the edge of what appears to be a table, it is most likely A. desalwii.
Ok, i just spent a few hours reading this entire thread and have to say i'm totally blown away by the attention to detail and quality of your setup. But i have to ask if you ever ID'd the above colony. I have a colony that looks exactly like that and have never been able to get a positive ID on it.

Lastly, Black Ops player eh? I've been playing the MW series on the PS3's since they first came out. I think i still like MW2 more but the more i play Black Ops the more i'm starting to like it. I play with a few friends almost every night. You should jump on with us. :)

Thanks MrSandman. I believe the coral is an A Desalwii.

Wow, you play almost every night. I sensing an addict. :lol2: I was a big fan of Cod4 and MW2. Really liking Black Ops at the moment and can't wait to get back home to jump online. Got a 55 kill streak the other day :eek:

My gamer tag is Alphasierra so add me if the list is not full. I'll have to delete some guys anyway to increase the frame rate speed. It'll be great to team up but since I'm on the other side of the globe, there will be lag but that shouldn't affect you right eh?? :spin2:

Hi Andrew,

Your tank is absolutely stunning!!!!
Even from Maastricht, The Netherlands it's enjoyed. Keep up the very very good work!!


P.s. If I may ask. On page: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1767159&page=5
there is a video about the lightfixure. Regarding the music: do you know the artist or title of the song? Thanks!

Hi Marc, thanks for the kind words. Will do.

As for your question, the actual artist is Joey Negro but that song was released under one of his many aliases.

Artist: Jakatta (feat Beth Hirsch)
Song title: One Fine Day

Check is out: One Fine Day

It was released back in 2002 and is one of my favourites. Other famous songs by Jakatta (Joey Negro) 'American Dream' and 'My Vision' featuring Seal. All are great tunes.

Hope that helps

Without seeing the full colony, it would be hard to be sure, but, with the multiple axials at the edge of what appears to be a table, it is most likely A. desalwii.

Hi Jamie, thanks for the explanation. Here is a colony picture from a few months back. I think you are correct.

Wow, that is really a fairy-tale specimen of the species A. desalwii! You've brought out all its best points. Congrats! Do you think I'm jealous? :spin2:
Yo Andrew put the controller down and pick up your camera!

Any new stocking plans in the future? I think that Gem tank would look very sexy in your tank.


v1rotate said:
Originally Posted by ryanrid
hi andrew looks like you may have overdosed on the iron or iodide supps which caused some browning, once your system is stable in 2-3 weeks you will have your colours back. one of the great things about zeo

one thing you mentioned about the higher alk, you will find when the coral is stressed (probably from the iron or iodide inexcess) they stop consuming alk to cal so then your demand is actually less so the higher input for the demand then stresses more acro out so they loose colour too. annoying.

one thing with zeo i have noticed it does not like changes but it does bounce back very quickly.

Hi Ryan, I think you have hit the nail on the head with your statement. Do you have any references regarding this issue or did you experience something similar yourself?
Polyp extension on some corals have improved and it appears that the TN recession has stopped. Hopefully it will make a full recovery. Some other corals have burnt tips and will take some time too recover.

Alk dosing has stopped and with other maintenance chores, things are turning around. I reduced the dosing of Alk from 35ml per day to 20ml at the moment. Will reassess it next week.

I have no references regarding this but only personal experience. I would monitor the alk and cal every 3 days/twice a week till things are back to normal then continue once a week, a lot can change in a week with the consumption then you will be back to square one with things browning/burning etc.
Thanks MrSandman. I believe the coral is an A Desalwii.

Wow, you play almost every night. I sensing an addict. :lol2: I was a big fan of Cod4 and MW2. Really liking Black Ops at the moment and can't wait to get back home to jump online. Got a 55 kill streak the other day :eek:

My gamer tag is Alphasierra so add me if the list is not full. I'll have to delete some guys anyway to increase the frame rate speed. It'll be great to team up but since I'm on the other side of the globe, there will be lag but that shouldn't affect you right eh?? :spin2:

It was good teaming up last night. Had some fun. Was amazed that you're already at 50. :lol:. That explains your crazy 55 kill streak. You are the first 50 that i have seen in that game. Your connection looked pretty good when i was spectating you. Had i not known from reading this thread that you're in HK, i wouldn't have known at all.