A Reef in the Sky

Update Pics

Hi guys, the tank is going well. It's just been in cruise mode.

Below are some pictures I took earlier today. I will answer the previous questions in the next few days.

This is a a tank i'll never get bored watching andrew!
Thanks for the update:)

Love the first pic where achilles is amongst all of these corals:inlove::inlove:
Blue tang has grown a lot also:)

Now that the tank is in cruise mode,how frequent are your WC?
Absolutely gorgeous tank Andrew.

Are you still toying with the idea of creating a video that highlights your maintenance routine? I would LOVE that so much. You keep such an immaculate tank, and I think many people would benefit from seeing how you approach tank maintenance.
Andrew, I remember something about a sand change in the past. Can you recap on that? The why, what and how it's been since? Thanks
Hey Andrew really sweet setup.
I was wondering if you could give me any details on what the cabinets were made of and finished with. I'm looking to do something similar and was looking for some insight on your stand. Thanks
Thanks Bill. The cabinet has a metal frame covered by wood. I believe the finish is simply gloss paint.

Yes you are correct. However V1 owns 51 percent of the shares.

Wonderful podts, superb planning and execution, so glad to see some healthy animals and such spectacular colors, thanks for conpartirlo with us. greetings from Spain
Thank you Jara!!

can you pls write your zeo products dossages? and also gratz for your nice tank
I will below. Thanks

thx. I want to ask zeostart only 0.2ml. isnt it very low?
Yes it is low. Too low infact. I have an updated dosage schedule below

What bulb combo are you running for your T5?
See below thanks

What about the zeolite ? Still You keep same volume of stones ?
Yes, always the same amount. See below for details thanks

Simple elegance at its finest.
Thank you Josh

This is a a tank i'll never get bored watching andrew!
Thanks for the update:)

Love the first pic where achilles is amongst all of these corals:inlove::inlove:
Blue tang has grown a lot also:)

Now that the tank is in cruise mode,how frequent are your WC?
Thank you Glaukos. Yeah its an awesome sight seeing the fish swimming between the corals. The Blue Tang sleeps inside the Montipora :eek:

Water changes are still weekly, occasionally done every 2 weeks due work commitments.

Jaw dropping as always.
Thank you

Just amazing!
Thank you

Absolutely gorgeous tank Andrew.

Are you still toying with the idea of creating a video that highlights your maintenance routine? I would LOVE that so much. You keep such an immaculate tank, and I think many people would benefit from seeing how you approach tank maintenance.
Thank you... yes I am but unfortunately haven't started yet. Will get on it! Plan on cleaning the skimmer the next few days which takes hours, so I will document that.

Andrew, I remember something about a sand change in the past. Can you recap on that? The why, what and how it's been since? Thanks
Yes I have changed half the sand over a 2 month period. The reason was the larger grains of sand were stained and didn't look pleasant. It was also due to the fact that I wanted to remove detritus and taking some of the sand was easiest.
I have replaced the larger grains of sand with smaller grains. As always, the pumps need to be re-positioned to avoid sand storms.

So far the sand change has been good. I stir the sand a lot more often and run a filter sock afterwards for 24hrs.

Answers to Questions

Bulb Combo, all bulbs are ATI and the unit is 12cm above the water level.

Blue +
Coral Plus
Blue +
Coral Plus
Blue +
Purple +
Blue +
Aqua Blue Special

Zeovit Dosage

0.35ml Start3 x2 Day
3 Drops Food7 x2 week
5 Drops Zeobak x2 week
5 Drops SP x2 week
5 Drops Biomate x2 week
3ml ZeoSpur2 x1 every 10-13 days

I change carbon every 3-4 weeks and use 450ml place in a filter bag.

I change the stones every 6-8 weeks and use 1400ml (approx 1 1/2 bags)
What a amazing tank. One of my favorites. I have followed it since the beginning. Even when I didn't have a account! I must ask.
Is the background white now? I remember a custom 2 tone background at the beginning. The latest pictures look almost like it has a white background. Thank you!
Andrew you have reached the elite status man! You are my hero, idol and everything else I hope to be some day. Thank you for the update sir.

I just checked out this thread today and what an incredible build. Remarkable what you took from vision to reality. I jumped from page 13 to page 75 because I couldn't stand the suspense to see what your tank looks like today. Funny to see how the "island" disappeared. But who cares when it disappears due to excessive coral growth.
Just checked out your very interesting and most of all beautiful tankreview... and than I spotted this

The coral in the right corner is that a Tubastrea Sp.?

Keep up the lovely cruise...
Hi mate,

Thanks for the advice on the lift motor. I have received this now. Can you tell me though did you use the stainless cable supplied with it or did you just use the stainless cable kit from your ATI light?


is there any chance you could upload your ati hybrid schedule?

Also how far is it off the water i'm sure this is mentioned, but i've just bought one and mine is sitting about 3 inches off the water.

I get a BIG spotlight affect on my tank with the leds have you noticed this I can't see it in your photos :(