A Special Thanks to xclusive252

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Harry I'm so glad to hear that your son is ok and the perp was arrested, hopefully to do a nice long stint....Eddie we gotta talk bro...twenty years and retired here(NYPD)...and I think I'm the only cop that K likes.....LOL
Ok im gonna have to say this I think little Harry did the right thing by handing his property over to this kid and did not get hurt from my professional view. You should never fight someone who is tring to rob you because a $100 watch is not worth your life. +1 for little Harry doing the right thing. Getting robbed is scary for anyone and even more for a 13 yr old boy. He was robbed by a 17yr old kid with friends and a 6 inch steak knife. If you feel you would have fought back your crazy and should not give anyone advice on what to do. I would have gave him my watch and I carry a gun everyday as a father and police officer I'm saying Harry did the right thing.

Well that makes it a different story there was no mention of other kids or a knife before. It sounded like 1 kid who was bigger than him took his watch. Either way it's good to know how to defend yourself. Many people learn tactics to disarm an attacker whether it be a knife or even a gun. I'm not saying he should have attempted something he saw in a Jet Li movie or something but our kids need to know how to defend themselves because you never know what is going to happen. These techniques come in hand when protecting ourselves,our families or even a complete stranger if we are a good enough person. All throughout life people test us from young child all the way to adult we always have to be prepared for the worst.

I know that several things I learned have helped me out in times when I was out numbered and without a weapon. One time a friend and I were going out to a bar we were all fancy leather jackets,jewelry etc. ready for a night on the town. 3 guys rolled up on us trying to rob us. Of course my luck the 1 who came at me had a switch blade and the other 2 went for my boy who was a little bigger than me at 6'4. The first thing we did was back up and look for a weapon which is always a smart move especially when out numbered. Unfortunately there was nothing near me so I took off my leather. Since leather is thick it's good to defend against a knife..well it's better than nothing lol. I held it by the sleeves and when he came at me wit the knife I wrapped it around his arm twisted him up and was able to disarm him. A few shots in the right spot and he was on the floor. While that was going on my friend was fighting off one while the other was hanging on his back. I ran over grabbed the dude off his back tossed him a beating and we left the 3 of them a mess in the street. Had we not known how to defend ourselves that story could have been very different. I don't know if they were drunk or on drugs or what but it wasn't about just a robbery so there was no avoiding it..they wanted to scrap. Sometimes you just don't have a choice so for those situations it's always good to be prepared.
Ok im gonna have to say this I think little Harry did the right thing by handing his property over to this kid and did not get hurt from my professional view. You should never fight someone who is tring to rob you because a $100 watch is not worth your life. +1 for little Harry doing the right thing. Getting robbed is scary for anyone and even more for a 13 yr old boy. He was robbed by a 17yr old kid with friends and a 6 inch steak knife. If you feel you would have fought back your crazy and should not give anyone advice on what to do. I would have gave him my watch and I carry a gun everyday as a father and police officer I'm saying Harry did the right thing.

Agree 100%, after being in the Marines and knowing all there is to know about hand to hand combat ( how to kill not just defend) I can tell you nothing beats a weapon! 1 week after discharged I got into a fight at a bar in Smithtown. ! hour later I was at St. John's hospital getting 18 stitches in my belly. I was stabbed twice while in the scuffle. At 5'8" 230lbs and in the best shape of my life it didn't mean [profanity] a knife can still cuts you.

Unfortunately we have to experience this our selves before we believe it.

I hope my son does the samething little Harry did if that time ever comes.

Glad to hear everything was ok and the bad guys got caught! This wasn't the case in my situation.

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Unfortunately we have to experience this our selves before we believe it.


I've been stabbed 3 times shot 2 times beaten with baseball bats tire irons and craw bars, I'm still here and I will continue step up when the situation calls for it. To each his own. I'm no killing machine marine but i am a vetarin of hundreds of street fights. TBH the easyest fights i've had where overconfident millitary guys.
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Agree 100%, after being in the Marines and knowing all there is to know about hand to hand combat ( how to kill not just defend) I can tell you nothing beats a weapon! 1 week after discharged I got into a fight at a bar in Smithtown. ! hour later I was at St. John's hospital getting 18 stitches in my belly. I was stabbed twice while in the scuffle. At 5'8" 230lbs and in the best shape of my life it didn't mean [profanity] a knife can still cuts you.

Unfortunately we have to experience this our selves before we believe it.

I hope my son does the same thing little Harry did if that time ever comes.

Glad to hear everything was ok and the bad guys got caught! This wasn't the case in my situation.



Thanks Walter.
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Harry I'm so glad to hear that your son is ok and the perp was arrested, hopefully to do a nice long stint....Eddie we gotta talk bro...twenty years and retired here(NYPD)...and I think I'm the only cop that K likes.....LOL

Thank you Mike for the talk we had this afternoon.
Agree 100%, after being in the Marines and knowing all there is to know about hand to hand combat ( how to kill not just defend) I can tell you nothing beats a weapon! 1 week after discharged I got into a fight at a bar in Smithtown. ! hour later I was at St. John's hospital getting 18 stitches in my belly. I was stabbed twice while in the scuffle. At 5'8" 230lbs and in the best shape of my life it didn't mean [profanity] a knife can still cuts you.

Unfortunately we have to experience this our selves before we believe it.

I hope my son does the samething little Harry did if that time ever comes.

Glad to hear everything was ok and the bad guys got caught! This wasn't the case in my situation.


Hey Walter I also spent a few years in the corps and I understood what you meant and I also would have done the same thing little Harry did because a knife cuts anyone and a bullet does not matter what color you are how big or small you are or even what sex you are and a watch or a few items no matter how big or small can always be replaced but a life can never be replaced and I met little Harry and he is a great kid and I personally can say a very smart kid ( except when he said he can beat me in basket ball its on this summer Harry ) and I also would hope my kids did the same if that ever happen to them. Good job again Little Harry keep your head up and roll those shoulders back be proud !!
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Good to know your son's ok Harry. While it's good for someone to know how to defend themselves, it is also very important to know when to try to do so. At 13 years old he may or may not be able to make that judgement call. +1 on making as much noise as you can too.
Good to know your son's ok Harry. While it's good for someone to know how to defend themselves, it is also very important to know when to try to do so. At 13 years old he may or may not be able to make that judgement call. +1 on making as much noise as you can too.

Thanks Nigel.
TBH the easyest fights i've had where overconfident millitary guys.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that makes sense, why thank them for putting their lives on the line for YOU.

This is the strongest counrty in the world and its not becasue we are a bunch of "over confident military guys" or maybe you disagree?

I agree Walter I loved the fact that I had the chance to serve and protect my country that I truly love when the time called and I dont say all need to do it or people should be forced but its the very few men and woman who wake up one morning and say I want to help the people of my country whether it be making food or standing in the front line or even some times behind the line those men and woman I tip my hat to you all plz all come home safe and kep up the great work. Walter we need to chill one day Semper Fidelis Walter
TBH the easyest fights i've had where overconfident millitary guys.

Yeah that makes sense, why thank them for putting their lives on the line for YOU.

This is the strongest counrty in the world and its not becasue we are a bunch of "over confident military guys" or maybe you disagree?


no need to get in to a political converstation on here but yes i do disagree.
the sad part is out military guys give up their lives most of the time for nothing heroic or worthy but simply for old fat white mans greed. This is why they get them young and stupid fill their heads with bull and send them out to follow orders. I know what i am talking about to some degree i was embedded with troops for CNN during Operation Desert Storm as a camera man and i did have to go through min boot camp so i got to see quite a bit even got shot at a bunch of times. I'm not knocking the military I'm knocking America and all the idiots who live here and belive the crap that they get fed every day. One last thing you do realize that the good USA was the agressor in EVERY war we have had right?
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