A Splash of Color

Unfortunately Andrew here in Canada it's not as easy as just dropping $400 to get something from Jason fox for myself or Matt (Reefmut). Getting Acros from the states is very tricky.

Sorry mate, i got a bit carried away about the fireworks looking acros lol. It's a stunning piece but i don't seriously think any of you guys should drop such a bundle on it. That'd be about $550- aus which is nuts.
I could give Nick a frag and he could give it to Christian who could then grow it out and send it all over the world and then it'd be common and cheaper........ ;)

The left end of the display is no longer looking like a poor second to the right end........... the orange pav is a trooper :thumbsup:

Sorry mate, i got a bit carried away about the fireworks looking acros lol. It's a stunning piece but i don't seriously think any of you guys should drop such a bundle on it. That'd be about $550- aus which is nuts.
I could give Nick a frag and he could give it to Christian who could then grow it out and send it all over the world and then it'd be common and cheaper........ ;)

The left end of the display is no longer looking like a poor second to the right end........... the orange pav is a trooper :thumbsup:


Yep, should look nice in a few months Dom, so should the stuff just behind the orange blob :)


Aren't the pieces in the lower left in the top photo and lower centre in the bottom photo the same coral?
I've had a piece of that from an Aussie shipment and i couldn't keep it.. I love the delicate structure..

Andrew I'm not sure how I feel about your phos management theory.. So many other factors will affect the algae growth on the glass; light intensity and duration, nitrate levels, flow, Iron and perhaps other trace element concentration levels.. when you get a phos reading from the water column, that amount of phos is available to all organisms in the system equally... everything is bathing in the same water and getting exposed to the same thing..
Having said that.. phos is phos and it's a pita when it is working against you..
However, you have begun using gfo and the components at the same time so we'll never really know what made your corals begin to grow.. I would bet it's the 123 components..
ultimately, as long as they grow, its all good!
Thanks.. That's my plan as well.. I fear it's going to cost me, though. It's a lot of gfo.
I'm trying to pull a bunch of corals out of deep sleep as well..
On another more 'worldly' note, I found it funny that you were making your coffee before getting down to answering my question. As I was reading that, I had my morning coffee in my hand, I assume you were making your evening coffee.
Tonight, while having a coffee, I'll be reading your Sunday morning coffee responses.
The modern world is a damn cool place.. People from opposite ends of the planet discussing shared interests over coffee like they were in the same room.
Would be cool to one day actually BE in the same room..
Preferably the sps room at Deer Park!

Can you imagine how epic it would be to have an international Thursday night acro un boxing meet at Dave's shop Matt........... :dance:

At what point do you stop buying corals. Your frag section is full. You like the "open" look. But your tank is filling fast. BTW, I wish I had your problem


Never Marty, i will never find the prettiest acro i've ever seen but i will keep trying......... forever.......


Any reason you havent decided to run an algae refugium, an ATS, or an algae reactor. I've had an ARID E18 since April of last year and it is lethal to PO4. To the point that I actually lost several SPS frags due to no PO4 being available in the system.

on 09-13-16, I tested my PO4 in my 120 at 0.17 (not a typo zero point one seven). The ARID had been running for about a week at that point and chaetomorpha was just starting to grow. I tested early morning 09-16-16, (not quite 72 hours later) and got a PO4 level of 0.12. All PO4 testing is done via Hanna 96713 photometer.

The ARID was expensive but effective. I have seen several new to market competitors that are lower priced, but I cant speak to their effectiveness. I bought the ARID after speaking to JBNY and seeing how his was working, and then doing some research.

You're wicked smart and have a warped sense of humor, so I know there is a reason for everything you do. No doubt there is a reason you arent running something like that, but I'd love to know why.

Just the expense and lack of motivation Max. Maybe now i have a big sump i might one day go that route but i've never used macro algae etc as nutrient export - i'd rather do that than run gfo.

Thanks for the pointers Andrew on colors to look for Andrew.

I've only been diving in Hawaii and in the Cayman Islands, but I've been down below 140 feet on several of those. IME, it's a little cooler at depth, but nothing too bad. You can feel it when you cross a thermocline and temp drops a couple degrees. Personally, I never got cold since you're usually limited by time constraints and too busy swimming to get cold. But I could see critters that live down that deep typically being acclimated to a lower temp of between 68F to 75F. I'm not translating that silly metric numbers.

Thanks mate, i thought it would be a few degrees cooler down there but nothing crazy. :)

I will get one this week for you all ..

Sustainable Reefs Cairns Australia.

Oh here we go again........:rolleyes: How in the hell are you going to collect acros when you're holding a camera for this lot.

I recently watched the David Attenborough (Atty) 3 part doco on the GBR. Awesome stuff - watch the fish hanging over the deeper acro bommies and you might be surprised at how calm but steady the flow is. Nothing like the storm of billowing currents we used to think were needed. I dropped my flow drastically after watching these vids and now i keep the ever so delicate 1/16" dia branching deep waters i love the most.

Anyway, point is that at no time did i see Atty stick his hand in and yank out a nice acro Christian - not once. He didn't because he's a movie maker - not a bloody collector........

At least show them that tame white pointer you told Dave you hand feed on one of the reefs, make sure you always have the go pro helmet on when you're feeding that thing btw please Chris. I know everyone is used to seeing sharks hand fed but sooner or later i reckon something will happen to make one of your vids a viral sensation :thumbsup:

Can't wait to see how the one on the right looks in a month or two , I'm in love.

You and me both mate. :)

My eyes have seen enough sparkling SPS to last a lifetime thanks to this thread-
I did manage to spy some other adventures and somehow wondered if there was some connection???

Biggles Dives Deep............ :wavehand:

That's truly unfortunate that Dave dropped that piece and there was a frag made for me

You have just scored some of the most amazing acro's of a lifetime! :inlove:

Chris said the next shipment will be better Dom, i think you better go to the Thursday night thing this week buddy, i would have fragged it for you anyway lol :beer:

You may have to work on Dave's fragging skills. Acro charm school might be a necessary fix :lolspin:. I expect those frags will grow quickly in your reef setup.......................Jim

I hope they grow quicker than i'm used to Jim, time will tell mate. :)

.... I think that section should light up a little bit now :eek1:

It looks much brighter on the left now so you'll definitely notice the difference when you see it Dom.

Lucky Andrew... Sustainable reef sure looks after you.

Yes they do indeed look after me well mate. :)

Aren't the pieces in the lower left in the top photo and lower centre in the bottom photo the same coral?
I've had a piece of that from an Aussie shipment and i couldn't keep it.. I love the delicate structure..

Andrew I'm not sure how I feel about your phos management theory.. So many other factors will affect the algae growth on the glass; light intensity and duration, nitrate levels, flow, Iron and perhaps other trace element concentration levels.. when you get a phos reading from the water column, that amount of phos is available to all organisms in the system equally... everything is bathing in the same water and getting exposed to the same thing..
Having said that.. phos is phos and it's a pita when it is working against you..
However, you have begun using gfo and the components at the same time so we'll never really know what made your corals begin to grow.. I would bet it's the 123 components..
ultimately, as long as they grow, its all good!

They are the same acro Matt, i bought the larger bit one weekend and had it in medium light on the right island. The next weekend i found the smaller bit likely broken off the first piece was still lying on the egg crate at Dave's and since it's so pretty i grabbed it as well. No one else wanted it which is crazy.
That new pink piece i stuck on a rock and then placed on the pav splits the two colonies - contrast :)

No idea on the phos thing Matt, as long as i see growth improve i'll be happy. I think the comp 123 is likely to be the main culprit too as to improvements in the display.

Dennis/D2mini is using a grow light specifically for plants:

https://www.amazon.com/MarsHydro-Mars300-Spectrum-Hydroponic-Greenhouse/dp/B00XC3LBI2 and he's getting ridiculous growth for his system in short order.

Might be something for your to look into?

D2mini's build http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2570484

Thanks Max, at this point i don't see any reason to add any more complexity to the bio filtration so for now i will run with what i have and see where it leads me buddy :)

Hi Andrew quick question if I may, you mentioned earlier about an acropora greening out. I have a couple of acros that have turned green on me, what causes it and is it reversible?
Love your thread first thing I read for info on all things sps related,
Keep up the good work.
Many thanks Justin.
Need to show the US Boys a video of a sexy reef don't worry Andrew its a head cam so i can still collect Andrew's sps porn
Going out for two days tomorrow

Sustainable Reefs Cairns Australia.

Head cam - good thinking Christian, both hands free to collect. :thumbsup:

Have you seen that new shark doco - ' The Shallows ' by any chance mate ? A guy was wearing a head cam in that and he had both hands free to do whatever he wanted with them.......... didn't make much difference in the end...... BUT, and this is important - the helmet AND the camera survived 'the event' totally intact !

Despite coming at the problem from two different directions we both arrived at the same conclusion - a helmet cam is a win win idea mate. :thumbsup:

Hi Andrew quick question if I may, you mentioned earlier about an acropora greening out. I have a couple of acros that have turned green on me, what causes it and is it reversible?
Love your thread first thing I read for info on all things sps related,
Keep up the good work.
Many thanks Justin.

Hi Justin, it happened to me when i had pieces similar to the little pale aqua blue caroliniana that bleached almost to white. When that happens i instinctively place a piece in low light so zoa will populate and supply nutrition needed. This is when the typical green tinge begins and that's when i place the piece back into higher light. If you give it enough light it will produce the highlight pigment again. Trouble is by then i hate it so much i won't give the piece a prime light spot because that's where all the crazy looking stuff goes.......... :rolleyes:

In short, if it had other pigments that are no longer visible you should move it if it's now growing happily without them. Acros in the wrong flow can lose color but still grow. You may be waiting for a color to return that will never come simply because it's not needed by the acro. This is assuming you have no probs pulling any color pigments on your other stuff.
If 40 are looking good to great and one or two look ordinary, don't be an idiot like we all have been at one time or another and mess with anything chasing those couple of duds. If nothing changes after a couple of months just move them into higher light or take a frag now and place it in higher light to see what it does. If it remains green then get used to it or replace it........ :blown:

The frags i took from one of Dom's pieces are starting to look cool. That's about as close to yellow as i ever get btw :deadhorse1:

That's about as 'yellow' as I get, as well.. mumblegrumble.. THIS may be an effect of high phos......

On the algae fuge front, I cannot, for the life of me, get practically any type of macro algae to grow in mine.
The cheato just sits there and grows other algae on it.. I guess any algae growing is nutrients being removed but if you can keep n and p where they are, already, I don't really see the point in using it..
There is some argument (as d2mini relates) to Triton's theory about growing the algea to reduce nutrients and also having it decompose and get eaten by other algea eaters to reintroduce organic carbon and other nutrients back to the tank..
Thanks for your help Andrew the acro in question has been positioned high up for over six months now under an ati 8 bulb unit, maybe I should just give up on it.
Thanks again.
That's about as 'yellow' as I get, as well.. mumblegrumble.. THIS may be an effect of high phos......

On the algae fuge front, I cannot, for the life of me, get practically any type of macro algae to grow in mine.
The cheato just sits there and grows other algae on it.. I guess any algae growing is nutrients being removed but if you can keep n and p where they are, already, I don't really see the point in using it..
There is some argument (as d2mini relates) to Triton's theory about growing the algea to reduce nutrients and also having it decompose and get eaten by other algea eaters to reintroduce organic carbon and other nutrients back to the tank..

What is your magnesium kept at? 1500 and higher and Chaeto goes dormant.
What is your magnesium kept at? 1500 and higher and Chaeto goes dormant.

I had heard that before and close to 2 years ago, I elevated my mag to try to deal with bryopsis. At that point, it do not slow down growth. My cheato did fine..
However! I have recently been dealing with elevated ca, mag and k. 500,1500,430 respectively and my cheato has absolutely ceased to grow..
That's about as 'yellow' as I get, as well.. mumblegrumble.. THIS may be an effect of high phos......

On the algae fuge front, I cannot, for the life of me, get practically any type of macro algae to grow in mine.
The cheato just sits there and grows other algae on it.. I guess any algae growing is nutrients being removed but if you can keep n and p where they are, already, I don't really see the point in using it..
There is some argument (as d2mini relates) to Triton's theory about growing the algea to reduce nutrients and also having it decompose and get eaten by other algea eaters to reintroduce organic carbon and other nutrients back to the tank..

It's interesting you mentioned algae eaters Matt. There is one thing i have always had in vast numbers in all my SPS systems from day one in the hobby - snails.

In my display atm i would have a minimum of 300 turbo snails from 1/4" up to the max 1/2" dia they reach, another hundred in the overflow and sump. I remove about 20-30 empty shells a week as some of the old fart snails die of old age.
Anyway, the snail population is self regulating as you might imagine and if there is lots to eat they breed. I turn the lights on every now and then to see 20-25 blobs of snail eggs stuck all over the rocks and glass. I don't often see the males releasing sperm into the water but i saw it one evening just before the actinics i was running for dusk went off. At least 20 snails turned the entire 65gal (Dom's tank now) into a white out. All the acros had zero PE immediately and they hated the entire thing. Took an hour before the water cleared enough for some of them to begin poking out their polyps.

About 3 weeks ago i saw two big egg laying sessions over a week and last night when i shone the torch on the end panel which i hadn't cleaned of algae for two days is could see about 100 1/8th" baby snails pigging out. That was just on the smallest end panel, the sand in my display is kept spotless to a large extent by the ongoing snail breeding. At night the sand and rocks are covered in 1/16"-1/8" baby snails chowing down.

The fish don't process anywhere near the nutrients that a well managed snail population does.

Most will read what i just mentioned and think ' yeah yeah get a good clean up crew ' - better off to think get a massive algae recycling crew operating.
You and i have the same tanks and same parameters and nutrient levels but you have about 50 snails and i have my huge population continuously feeding the acros 24/7 with snail poo, i bet my colors are more saturated than yours.......

You all know how spotless my sand and rocks are relative to most reefs on here, so why do i have such a massive snail population when there's stuff all for them to eat.......... because i have a lot more algae growing daily than is visible to my eyes. The snail army mows most of it down before it's long enough to show up.

Snails - just as important as fish to feeding the acros, IF you can get a large population established - if you can't get snails to breed you'll probably be looking at pale acros as well ;)

I think Dom is coming over Friday and he'll be going home with a bag of snail poo acro feeders :smokin:

Thanks for your help Andrew the acro in question has been positioned high up for over six months now under an ati 8 bulb unit, maybe I should just give up on it.
Thanks again.

Before getting rid of it.....

Drop it down 4" and in much lower flow - half as much as now. Clip the tips of 3-4 branches. Watch the healing regrowth and if it isn't a different highlight pigment, usually light and what the tips will be when happy - THEN give up. If you see even a hint of another pigment you haven't seen it is pure and simple. You don't have the acro in the happy place in your reef it needs or it's a fussy bugger and won't ever tolerate your water.

This little guy is starting to wake up and shoot new growth in the last 3 weeks.

Interesting I don't remember seeing snails in any of your pictures. I must have been distracted by all the acros. Your post about having a really high snail population has got me thinking I need to add more snails since I only have about 50 in my 180gal
Thanks Andrew I will definitely give that a try sounds like a positive thing to do. What species of snail is it that spawn in your tank I'm interested in adding some more snails.
Big thanks again.