Premium Member
Interesting I don't remember seeing snails in any of your pictures. I must have been distracted by all the acros. Your post about having a really high snail population has got me thinking I need to add more snails since I only have about 50 in my 180gal
Most of the snails huddle under the rocks out of the direct light during the day. I often amuse myself (doesn't take a lot) by grabbing a few big snails from the sump where they are colored dark purple with coralline and drop them onto the sand in the display. Next day you see these snow white all over bleached snails lol......... give snail bleaching a try :wave:
If your 180 is at least a year old it should have hundreds of snails by now imo mate, all my systems have been snail breeding factories.

Just a reminder, Thursday Night Acro club meeting at Daves. In around 6 hours. maybe Dom can pick you up. Be careful if he has a cup of coffee for you.
This just in, Premium Aquatics is having a contest. Here is the link. You should have no problems winning.
I don't do Thursday nights Marty............ you know that.......... :twitch:
Thanks Andrew I will definitely give that a try sounds like a positive thing to do. What species of snail is it that spawn in your tank I'm interested in adding some more snails.
Big thanks again.
I have no idea what the snails are but i'll get a photo of some for you. They're the little round shell type - same shape as a garden snail shell.
When one casts an eye from a tank illuminated by a pair of 400W radiums to a frag tank below, illuminated by only T5's it's like looking from the ocean to a dimly lit swamp. I don't want anyone who uses T5's as their main lighting to take offense but in future if you see me use the term 'sps swamp rats' - i'm referring to T5's users

I am not wasting a 250W dragon breath bulb over a frag tank, i'm not made of money so i just can't afford to run another halide when it's to grow frags i don't charge for anyway.......... what to do, what to do :crazy1:
Frag tank 30" x 24" x 14" - water height is 10".
Don't like swap lights but can't justify also running a 250W radium over a simple frag tank.
Change the word ' Frag ' to the words ' Delicate Deepwater Display ' when describing the sump section in question.

Nailed it...........:smokin: