A Splash of Color

Your base STN is caused by too much zinc.

I know you mean well Kevin but your method of delivery is pretty abrupt mate, especially when it's bad news.........

Take this example:

Kevin - This is your captain, the plane's on fire and we're all going to die.......

Biggles - This is your captain, i'm just going to park on that mountain for 5 mins so i can duck out and clean the windshield........

See what i mean, no need to cause unnecessary distress. ;)

In reality i would depressurize the plane and blow everyone out to lighten the aircraft and thus maintain altitude - and after i land i think we all know who i'll say opened the emergency door mid flight while i was alone in the cockpit........ don't we Kev...... :smokin:
I know you mean well Kevin but your method of delivery is pretty abrupt mate, especially when it's bad news.........

Take this example:

Kevin - This is your captain, the plane's on fire and we're all going to die.......

Biggles - This is your captain, i'm just going to park on that mountain for 5 mins so i can duck out and clean the windshield........

See what i mean, no need to cause unnecessary distress. ;)

In reality i would depressurize the plane and blow everyone out to lighten the aircraft and thus maintain altitude - and after i land i think we all know who i'll say opened the emergency door mid flight while i was alone in the cockpit........ don't we Kev...... :smokin:
I agree that it looks like metal overdose rather than AEFW...
I know you mean well Kevin but your method of delivery is pretty abrupt mate, especially when it's bad news.........

Take this example:

Kevin - This is your captain, the plane's on fire and we're all going to die.......

Biggles - This is your captain, i'm just going to park on that mountain for 5 mins so i can duck out and clean the windshield........

See what i mean, no need to cause unnecessary distress. ;)

In reality i would depressurize the plane and blow everyone out to lighten the aircraft and thus maintain altitude - and after i land i think we all know who i'll say opened the emergency door mid flight while i was alone in the cockpit........ don't we Kev...... :smokin:

I can't believe we're all going to die! Ahhh...... :angryfire:
Come fly with me let's fly let fly away we will need some booze lots of booze if we fly biggles way.
Oh and stop killing your acros with metals for f sake Andrew . How am I surposed to get all hot a bothered by Stn white does nothing for me and I need my acro porn to fully function . So bloody well sort it out .
Just dose more photoshop like Jason Fox does, no problemo!

I think i'll stick to food coloring, has a proven track record :reading:

I agree that it looks like metal overdose rather than AEFW...

Hey Matt, i think it's just sulky from the dramas i put it through mate.

I can't believe we're all going to die! Ahhh...... :angryfire:

Note to self: Do not get on an airplane or spaceship with biggles. No matter how many pretty acros he shows you :p

From previous experience i can assure you that you won't feel a thing so i don't know what your carrying on about. Even if you were to get sucked into one of the engines when you go out the door you still wouldn't feel a bloody thing - as long as you go straight in, if you hit the side first you might wake up just before, but the chances of that happening to me a second time would be bugger all !

*** requesting a seat aft of the engines is not permitted when flying Biggle Air ***

Come fly with me let's fly let fly away we will need some booze lots of booze if we fly biggles way.
Oh and stop killing your acros with metals for f sake Andrew . How am I surposed to get all hot a bothered by Stn white does nothing for me and I need my acro porn to fully function . So bloody well sort it out .

Lol, my acros are just fine mate :)

Unless you've got something prettier that you don't let him have.

Needs to be prettier than a blue icefire echi with fluoro yellow polyps Matt.........:wavehand:

Sorry Andrew,
I was pretty sleepy when I type it. Got straight to the point with what I saw.
Friends tells it like it is. LOL

All good Kevin, that base went like that 6 weeks prior to me dosing anything whatsoever so i know it's not from an overdose of zinc. It wouldn't be the only acro in the display with that base if metals were responsible.

I dose 0.3ml of zinc and 1.0ml of koralcolor over the lights on period. Many of the elements dosed get burned up quickly so your squirt of koralcolor lasts an hour in the morning, rest of the time there's no manganese or whatever.
Think about the crazy improvement some of you experienced when you switched to AF comp 123 and nothing else. It's not the miraculous element mix contained in those bottles that makes the system function very well.
The alk and calcium etc are the same as any other, as are the elements added to the 3 bottles. It is the method of delivery of those elements that is the key to success. By making it part of those solutions that we all dose over 24 hours these days you are keeping the elements present in the water at lower concentrations but constantly available.

Anyway, i would urge any of you dosing koralcolor to add it to your calcium dosing solution so it's delivered over the full day - can't hurt, you might get a pleasant visual surprise after a couple of weeks ;)

Oh, i completely trashed the entire left side of the display - looks like an acro bomb went off tbh. Still didn't find any signs of space worms........ :spin2:
The new left side scape is already underway and going to be much more in your face with respect to colors and where they're placed since the right side is finished and is very dramatic in respect to color contrasts. I have lots of different colored pieces to play with, most are laying on the sand or in the sump at the moment.
I never have a plan, i just make the scape up as i go depending on how things are looking to me. Might take days or might take weeks, never know. :)
Hey there Andrew, corals are lookin' good. I hope you do not find any space worms, if you do I think it mandates laser weapons be deployed. I am sure you know this but those blue cloves can easily be eradicated if you want. I had them in my last tank, became a pain in the a__. Used to be Fluke tabs but now there are other substitutes. A quick search will get you the protocol and product name. Good luck with that pesky left side.
Don't like you being on page two Andrew so thought I say hi and post a bit of acro porn as yours is lacking of late. :confused:Oh and I bloody well found a uk distributor of christens acros so will be using him From now on :inlove:and the best bit is he is only an hour away from me. But only planning on getting 4 shipments a year . So will have to arrange something with him so I can have the pick of the litter. ( I wish)
What do you think of this bud.


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Don't like you being on page two Andrew so thought I say hi and post a bit of acro porn as yours is lacking of late. :confused:Oh and I bloody well found a uk distributor of christens acros so will be using him From now on :inlove:and the best bit is he is only an hour away from me. But only planning on getting 4 shipments a year . So will have to arrange something with him so I can have the pick of the litter. ( I wish)
What do you think of this bud.

Thanks for visiting today! We are planning on getting many more than 4 shipments a year as we are selling and distributing more and more :dance:
I've been lurking this thread a while now, I just wanted to say I HATE you.......nah, I love your tank and acros too much too hate you.

Enjoy some pics, learn a little bit, laugh a lot thanks to your sense of humor....this thread is awesome.
Just dropping in quickly Andrew mate. Tank is looking well despite any potential AEFW problem - Im gutted for you and Dom...AEFW are like one of the worst things that can happen to an SPS tank. But all is not that bad...they can be beat easily with a bit of hard work.
Sahin, Andrew doesn't have AEFW. Its a zinc problem.


Just dropping in quickly Andrew mate. Tank is looking well despite any potential AEFW problem - Im gutted for you and Dom...AEFW are like one of the worst things that can happen to an SPS tank. But all is not that bad...they can be beat easily with a bit of hard work.
Andrew AEFW can be tested for in your tank with a simple turkey baster, just hit the acros you think might be infected and see if any of the flatworms blow off. I did this every week for a few years a long time ago to control my AEFW populations. My yellow coris wrasses would pick off any AEFW that got dislodged from the turkey baster.