That's a good plan man
I'm sure everything will go smoothly!
After all not only you have black egg crate to ensure this but you've a black tub too
As far as dom,don't wake him up...let him sleep...and when he needs your strong popeye pumped up can reply with a huge yawn
Thanks Mike, it was always going to go well with so much black equipment involved in the swap.......:thumbsup:
Funny stuff - have a stubby or 2 while you wait for Dom.
You could knock over a carton waiting for bloody Dom...........
What's a stubby? Where are the pictures of the sump installed already?
We're waiting patiently...
A bottle of beer mate - real beer, not that watered down garbage sold over there............. and can we please not overact with some silly 'i have to defend my country' BS.......
If i make a casual observation about something that is already well known around the world but not spoken about simply to avoid the very thin skinned nature of Americans, i wish just for once we could rise above the petty squabbling that normally ensues after i make these borderline - and it's more like borderline, borderline ever so slighty (ever, ever so) slightly obtuse remarks.
I'll go first, just because you can't drink the beer in the US at least you can drink the water instead - unlike Canada where you can't drink anything for 3 months of the year apparently...... not unless you boil it on a pot to thaw it out first....... hey ho to all my US buddies btw :wave:
Hey Andrew, what type of acro is this? I grabbed a small green frag a few weeks back and it has colored up to look just like this guy.
It's a microclados color variant i believe mate.
Good luck with the sump Andrew, pretty neat design but really I just want to see more acros in the mini display down there.
Thanks Mark, i ended up moving 75 pieces to the frag tank.......:sad2:
good looking sump Andrew!
can´t wait to see it in place!
good luck with Dom :lolspin:
Thanks Flo
I would like everyone to know that Andrew is not as innocent and I'm not as bad as he'd like you all to believe
Next time I'll be reading the fine print of the contract to joining the Dark Side. I didn't realise my mortal soul was part of it :lolspin:
You are just lucky i didn't dock your pay Dom........
LOL. This is a seriously funny post, scored points with several barbs and had me laughing. You guys are trading zingers like a married couple. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)
Now for the important stuff!
This photo shows the pinnacle of reef keeping. These are the colors that I strive for, saturated but bright. The pastel pieces are that way because it appears to be it's pigment, not starvation. Not every single piece pastel. Basically every coral in that photo looks Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous.
Andrew, your thread is a fun read, but it is an incredible education in reef keeping.
Thanks very much Kev, the contrast between saturated and pastel is missing in many ulns SPS reefs.
Pastel beside pastel
Pastel beside saturated spath - just placed today for max contrast.